( – January 25, 2013) Neptune, NJ — Do you know what is lurking in your food? Despite the FDA allowing GMO’s in our food supply, most people are unaware of the danger they posses. GMO’s are banned throughout Europe and Asia and yet with all the evidence from researchers and the health community, President Obama refuses to protect our health.
Barry Ferguson, author of the highly controversial book, “Warning! Your Healthy Diet May Be Killing You” is warning America about eating GMO’s. He says President Obama knows GMO’s are highly dangerous but so far has refused to ban them even though he promised to ban them while on the campaign trail in 2008.
His book calls out the President as well as the FDA to insure the viability of our food supply. The FDA has ruled that GMO’s are not a health hazard but this is coming from an agency whose has as its head of Foods Division, Michael R. Taylor, the Former Vice-President of Monsanto, the world’s largest purveyor of GMO products.
In fact, President Obama has put many former Monsanto and Biotech executives with strong ties to GMO’s in important positions within the government who make decisions everyday regarding our food. Even Tom Vilsack, the former Governor of Iowa and now the Secretary of agriculture, is a big supporter of both GMO food and Monsanto.
With Obesity, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes running rampant in our society, GMO’s have been proven in study after study to lead to cancerous growths, miscarriages, infertility and was responsible for causing the Tryptophan-EMS Disaster of 1989 that killed 37 people in the U.S.
Barry says “I’m fed up with all the lies regarding genetically modified food and how it’s causing great harm to our bodies. Monsanto has used its money and power to influence for too long when it comes to what and how we eat and I’m not going to take it anymore. Someone has got to stand up for our health!”
He exposes all the lies and deceit that is going on with our food in his book Warning! Your Healthy Diet May Be Killing You and how the president is allowing these food companies to literally poison us. He has been leading a campaign to help ban these dangerous foods by appearing on radio show all across the United States and informing consumers of their food rights.
“President Obama has a duty to protect our health” says Barry “and he has been very negligent in this area.”
“Losing California’s Prop 37 labeling law was a big blow to our nation’s health but we will continue to fight back anyway we can. More and more people are joining our cause and many of them are well known names who have seen firsthand what GMO’s can do” states Barry.
For more information please visit
Barry Ferguson
8 Colleen Way
Neptune, NJ 07753