Health Care Leaders Highlight the Mass Home Care Annual Event

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( — June 10, 2014) Brockton, MA — 

Old Colony Elder Services (OCES), the Brockton based regional agency serving older adults, individuals with disabilities and caregivers, recently announced that Mass Home Care will hold its 31st Annual Meeting on Monday, June 16th at 11:30 am at the Burlington Marriott, One Burlington Mall Road. Health care reform affecting the state’s 1.3 million elderly residents is on the agenda.

The group’s event will feature: Congresswoman Katherine Clark; David Seltz, Executive Director of the state’s Health Policy Commission; Lois Simon, President of the managed care provider Commonwealth Care Alliance; Senator Patricia Jehlen of Somerville, Elder Affairs Senate Chair; and Representative James O’Day of West Boylston, Elder Affairs House Chair.

“This gathering brings together a freshman Member of Congress, the head of the state’s newest health care regulator, the President of a prominent managed care company serving older adults and disabled people, and the two chairs of the legislature’s Elderly Affairs Committee,” said Al Norman, Executive Director of Mass Home Care.

“We are looking forward to Mass Home Care’s annual event which will highlight health care reform, particularly the accomplishments made and the issues that still need to be addressed,” noted Diana DiGiorgi, Executive Director of Old Colony Elder Services.

Mass Home Care will also present its annual Community Care Linkages award to four health care practitioners who have helped bridge the gulf between health care and long term support services for older adults: Andrey Ostrovsky, M.D, CEO of Care At Hand, Pediatric Resident, Boston Medical Center;  Cheryl A. Warren, R.N., of Hallmark Health; Richard Balaban, M.D., Cambridge Health Alliance; and Marilyn Wright, R.N., Beth Israel Deaconess Care Organization.

About Mass Home Care

Founded in 1983, Mass Home Care has helped shift the focus of elder care from institutions to the community. A network of 30 independent care coordination agencies, Mass Home Care wrote the state law that says seniors have the right to receive care in the “least restrictive setting”. Family members can be paid as personal care attendants because of the advocacy of Mass Home Care. The group has expanded the range and scope of home care services in the Commonwealth, adding care options and funding to ensure that even people needing 24/7 supports can live at home. Mass Home Care member agencies manage the daily care for more than 75,000 elders and individuals with disabilities, and investigate reports of elder abuse on behalf of the Commonwealth.

About OCES

Founded in 1974, OCES serves 20 communities in Plymouth County as well as Avon, Easton and Stoughton. OCES is a private, non-profit organization located in Brockton and designated as one of 27 Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. OCES’ mission is to support the independence and dignity of elders and individuals with disabilities by providing essential information and services that promote healthy and safe living. The agency has 179 employees and operates more than 15 programs serving older adults, individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers. For more information call (508) 584-1561 or visit


About Old Colony Elder Services

Founded in 1974, OCES serves 20 communities in Plymouth County as well as Avon, Easton and Stoughton. OCES is a private, non-profit organization located in Brockton and designated as one of 27 Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. OCES’ mission is to support the independence and dignity of elders and individuals with disabilities by providing essential information and services that promote healthy and safe living. The agency has 179 employees and operates more than 15 programs serving older adults, individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers.

Old Colony Elder Services

144 Main St.
Brockton, MA 02301

(508) 584-1561