Home Builder in Odessa Goes Full Steam Ahead But Slowly

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(Newswire.net–March 29, 2013)  Odessa, FL—Most custom home builders are struggling now to find the properties and plots of land to build the type of custom homes that they want to work with.  Boger Homes, a custom design builder in Lutz, Florida has developed an inventory of projects that evolved from the boom and bust cycle of 2008 when the world fell apart. 


Their recipe has always been “slow and steady” while focusing on the custom  needs of each and every client, rather than chase after the “gold rush” of the throngs of people looking to capitalize on anything that they can sell higher than they bought it for the day before. 


In large part, Boger’s philosophy evolved from a long and arduous task prior to entering the building market.  As a telecom professional, Boger has seen the evolution of fast money and whimsical customer bases that can change the plight and fortune of a major Fortune 500 company on a dime.  Armed with this pattern of human behavior, they decided to do business the “old fashioned” way, slow and steady and keep the customer happy.  Strange as it may seem, those old values never go away and need to be honored forever. 


Perhaps the 21st Century marks a point in time that denotes time is running out, or are we running away from what it is that we need to embrace and enjoy?  The Odessa custom home market still marks itself as an enclave of the Tampa Bay community where living seems to have slowed down some to “smell the roses”.  A walk on the beach during a sunset is always the picture that one envisions when seeking the ultimate experience of happiness and tranquility.  Water, seventy five percent of the Earth and our bodies, is our return to where we came.  Paying homage to our roots perhaps? 


The homes built by Boger seem to find those property lots where water and natural settings are so important.  The backdrop to the canvas for a beautiful painting makes an enormous difference when set with a great starting point.  This is a case of more art than science, but isn’t art based on scientific empirical evidence that is retold in a different medium?  For a comprehensive understanding of Boger’s building and home design ideas, contact them at   Boger Homes   (813) 949-0074    21859 SR 54  Lutz, Fl  33549   http://www.bogerhomes.com

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