{Newswire.net — March 28th, 2013} San Fransisco, CA — James Tipton Named Direct Response Marketing Expert. The Internet Entrepreneur and American BadAss Gets Recognized As The Coolest Guy In California. A Once stuck as a landscaping “ditch digger” in Santa Cruz, Tipton has now become a world recognized expert in direct response marketing, internet entrepreneurialism, and self development training and explains how direct response marketing is becoming the number one game changer for the american economy, global job market, and freedom seekers throughout the human population.
A well educated tycoon growing up in Northern California, Tipton always saw himself as a business person and his passion has always been the theater, arts, and digital media. “The way to change the world will be through story telling, new media, and the internet,” Tipton says. Giving up on any “real career” he could have gotten in San Francisco, at a young age after college, Tipton chose to invest himself in his local community. “A lot of good it will do to have one more person in a job, we need 500 more people in jobs,” he says. Enraged at the unemployment rate and low wages offered by most companies, Tipton chose to play the Hero and work for free with a small media conglomerate on the west side of Santa Cruz courageously lead the struggling to success.
“My partner and I would walk around with a camera in one hand and a boom in the other,” Tipton describes. “And knock on local businesses’s doors and ask them if they wanted a video for free and then we’d put it up on their website to help them get more customers. I learned a lot about approaching people and that was how I got into professional sales.”
Since the beginning, Tipton knew businesses couldn’t stand around and wait for customers to come in, and that old ways of advertising were not showing the results necessary to keep companies alive. New changes had to be made in the way businesseses operated and ran their marketing. With a heavy background in digital media, Tipton made many campaigns to local businesses to use internet marketing as part of their strategy and due to a series of disasters, companies could not act fast enough to incorporate Tipton’s plans.
After bankrupt, bailout, disease, and negative government involvement left the companies and circles Tipton was associated with empty and without opportunity, Tipton was left homeless, unable to support his loved ones, and advance his career. Old business owners just couldn’t see the advantage of switching to digital marketing and it left them suffering and Tipton found himself living in a tent digging ditches to survive.
Fed up with the circumstances and being the hero and courageous leader he is, James Tipton swore that he would bring wealth and abundance to every able body that could work and thus got is name, “The Coolest Guy in California.” He had to leave California though and seek outside resources to bring to the soon to be thriving community. Traveling to the mid west to get his masters in sustainable business Tipton would be working as an Internet Entrepreneur and American BadAss developing his techniques for helping the american economy and the global job market. “The MBA was just a front really, sure I learned a lot about traditional business, marketing, accounting, finance, management, leadership and how to build sustainable communities but my real education was got online through personal mentorships with some of the worlds finest consultants and trainers in direct response marketing.” Tipton explains.
Now in circles with 7 and 8 figure earners, Tipton claims making money is easy, it’s only a matter of having the right information and technology to make it happen, and with enough social proof backing his claims with over 100,000 people inside of his network and his company paying out over 42 million to it’s affiliates in the last 16 months it’s hard for Tipton to think that anyone who takes action and listens to what his partners and he says could ever struggle again.
“Yeah, it is kind of like war, only instead of killing people, we’re destroying ignorance with knowledge and building an army of intelligent business leaders,” Tipton says. He goes on to say that it’s not about being the one person who has all the knowledge but being connected to a network of teachers who offer world class information on every aspect of business and internet marketing, that’s what a good direct response marketing consultant offers in this age; not just himself but a wealth of experts to help you in every aspect of business, marketing, and personal development.
Unleash your inner entrepreneur with the power of direct response marketing with James Tipton and his partners inside Team Take Massive Action: