(Newswire.net — October 19, 2013) West Valley, UT —
There’s no known cure for most achy joint problems, but many people seek relief by trying joint supplements that contain glucosamine, MSM, or chondroitin. Americans spent $753 million on these types of over-the-counter supplements last year alone. How is this affecting you?
Keep in mind that ADP Health Insights suggests checking with your doctor before trying joint supplements.
A recent test showed some interesting information on more than 15 popular Joint Pain supplements, some of which used glucosamine sulfate. The samples were first tested to see whether they contained the amount of glucosamine and chondroitin showing on the label.
Testers also conducted a dissolution examination, which measures how well tablets and caplets break down in water within an hour. This can simulate how the pills break down in the stomach. Heavy metals, including mercury and lead, were also checked.
Tests show that none of the supplements contained toxic metals to worry about. The products contained their labeled amounts of glucosamine.
But several contained less than the labeled amount of chondroitin, averaging 79 to 87 percent. The tests showed that two did not dissolve sufficiently, indicating that the ingredients might not be fully absorbed in the body through the digestive system. However, nine did meet the quality criteria.
Glucosamine is found naturally in the body’s joint cartilage. It helps to keep it healthy and lubricated. The shells of shrimp, lobster, and is where it comes from normally. Glucosamine is believed to help the slowing of cartilage deterioration, improve joint mobility, and relieve arthritis joint pain.
However, always discuss these supplements with your doctor before taking them, as there can be drug interactions, allergy problems, or harmful side effects, she cautions.
Here are other recommendations for Joint Pain supplements:
- Chondroitin sulfate
- Glucosamine sulfate
- Calcium
- Vitamin D3
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Omega-3
- Green tea
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