How To Build a Landing Page that Will Raise Conversions

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( — July 10, 2013) — Denver, CO. — Start with the most important keyword that you target, and build a landing page just for that keyword.  Then you will want to build a landing page for each keyword and keyword phrase that you target.  Include long tail keywords as your traffic grows, and patterns begin to emerge.

The content on the page will need to be very relevant to the keyword you are targeting, also to your target market.  For example, let’s say that you sell sporting goods. A landing page that was built about fishing gear is a segment of your business, and would attract people interested in fishing.  You will want to add very interesting, relevant fishing content on the landing page.  

The most important thing that your landing page will need, is a form that will gather visitors contact information.  People will not give you their contact information unless they have a good reason.  Offering a report about “Which Baits Are Right For Each Fish” or some other relevant information will work to get people to give you their contact info in exchange for this information.  This will allow you to begin drip marketing to your growing list of prospects through email marketing campaigns.

The report that you provide can have links to your shop that sell the different types of bait.  You can also provide links in the emails that you send to your clients.  Emailing coupons with links to purchase online can really increase your sales.

After you have all your main keywords covered, it is time to segment.  Go back to your fishing customers. It is time to break them out into different types of fishermen, and build specific landing pages for each of them.  The more you target and segment, the more relevant the offer becomes to the prospect, which in turn will increase conversions.

Follow this link and scroll to the bottom, then click on the blue Landing Page Creator link to get info on how easy it is to create successful landing pages in minutes.  

Sherrie Chastain
Prosperity Consultant