Infertility Treatments – The Diet that Cures Infertility?

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( — May 5, 2014) Adelaide, South Australia — Infertility treatments are numerous and varied, from the weird and whacky theories to the invasive and pharmaceutical-based procedures. Thousands of couples seek safe and effective treatments for infertility each day, from all over the world. Now, more and more infertility sufferers are turning to specialized diets to help them get pregnant, and it’s working.


Lisa Olson, author, Chinese Medicine researcher, natural therapist, health consultant and former infertility sufferer, spent more than 14 years studying the effects of diet on infertility. Having created a solid system for treating all types of female and male infertility, Lisa has set up what she calls, The Pregnancy Miracle System. Her system has helped many thousands of women struggling with infertility to get pregnant naturally, and she is keen to get her message across to an even wider audience. “Infertility is a message from your body telling you that something is wrong inside” said Lisa. “The only way you can reverse your infertility is from within by listening to what your body is trying to tell you, work with it and become pregnant naturally.”

Where IVF treatments and drug therapy just try to mask over the infertility and trick the body into thinking nothing is wrong, Lisa’s book, The Pregnancy Miracle System, takes a holistic approach to actually treating infertility and reversing its effects. The results speak for themselves. Taking a holistic approach to dealing with infertility simply works. Thousands of couples have become pregnant naturally, without the need for any type of medical intervention or drug therapy. Lisa is not surprised at these amazing results or by the fact that her book is the best-selling book of its kind on the Web.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6 percent of married couples aged between 15 and 44 experience infertility, that’s 1.5 million people in the U.S. At 2010 7.4 million women in this age group had used infertility services. These statistics are quite staggering. Every day, in every infertility clinic in every city, of every town, in every state of the U.S. waiting rooms are full of nervous couples at all different stages of their infertility journey.

Now, the importance of diet in treating infertility is quickly gaining momentum, and for good reason. It’s not just about ideal weight, cutting out the cigarettes, reducing alcohol intake and eating fruit and vegetables. It’s not even about eating those so-called fertility-boosting foods like oysters, kelp or garlic. More and more nutritionists, dietitians, natural therapists and doctors are seeing amazing results from putting their clients on specialized fertility diets. The results of an eight-year study on diet and infertility, studying more than 18,000 women, found 10 specific dietary aspects were pivotal in both preventing and treating different types of infertility. Possibly, some of the greatest benefits of these fertility diets is that they are inexpensive, accessible to anyone and have no negative side-effects.

About 44 percent of women experiencing infertility issues seek medical assistance. For around 85 to 90 percent of these women, surgical procedures or drug therapy is used. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments, surgical operations, and other alternative therapies people seek for infertility are expensive, often invasive and stressful, placing undue pressure on relationships and finances, not to mention a couple’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Many infertility sufferers simply cannot afford IVF treatments or surgery, while others are not interested in going down that track for any number of very personal and valid reasons. Alternative therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), lifestyle changes, naturopathy and homeopathy all have compelling results to support these as useful methods to helping couples struggling to get pregnant.

This latest study on diet is helping to get the message, that many nutritionists have known for a while now, that what we eat, the environmental toxins we expose our bodies to each day, and how mineral and vitamin deficient our bodies are, all adversely affect the fertility of both women and men.

Studies are revealing that there are alarming links between IVF and hormonal drug therapy as a way to help couples get pregnant and ovarian cancer and other similar health problems. One particular study, carried out by The Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, looked at 30,000 women and found that those who underwent IVF were twice as likely to develop tumors as those who had not undergone such procedures or treatment. Not to mention the high risk pregnancies and multiple birth risks that also accompany IVF related pregnancies.

Infertility affects thousands of couples across the U.S. and the world over. Now, an effective alternative to expensive and potentially risky IVF and drug therapy treatments is offering proven results. Diet and a holistic approach to actually treating the cause of infertility is quickly gaining momentum, with thousands of infertility sufferers able to get pregnant naturally after only a few weeks or months on these programs.



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