Video Press Release – Understanding its Value

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( — May 5, 2014) Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA — Video press releases from News Worthy Video (NWV) offer valuable optimization to any standard press release. News Worthy Video is helping businesses all over the world reach their Internet marketing potential with the power of a quality video press release.


Any marketing-savvy individual can tell you the power of using press releases to promote a business, product or service. But what many have not yet caught on to is how much more powerful incorporating a video of the press release is to getting the message across and getting it ranked.

People are visual creatures, over 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual. The human brain processes what people see 60,000 times faster than what they read. Video has become an integral part of society and people’s everyday lives. Research shows that 55 percent of people watch online video every day, while 78 percent watch at least once per week.

The statistics gathered on the power and effectiveness of video from 2013, gathered from some of the top marketing and research consultants, show some staggering results. For example, with video, a business is 53 times more likely to gain a page 1 Google ranking.


Video promotion is more than six times as effective as online and print promotion, and from 2011 to 2012, online video viewing increased by 38 percent. YouTube is the second biggest search portal in the world, second only to Google, and every month more than 1 billion unique users watch video on YouTube alone. In 2013, YouTube videos accounted for more than 28 percent of all Google searches.

Video not only gets a business ranked higher quicker, it also helps to get people to the website. Of those who watch branded video content, 54 percent go on to click through to that particular brand’s website. Researchers estimate that video search results have a 41 percent higher click-through-rate than text search results. Businesses consider a video for their website more important than social networking through Facebook or Twitter. And these amazing statistics are only going to increase over the coming years. By 2015, experts believe video will account for around 57 percent of consumer Internet traffic.

With statistics like these, it’s easy to see why the big guys, like Apple and Facebook, use video as their key marketing tool. Incorporating a video of any press release helps to strengthen its effectiveness substantially. Video gives the press release credibility, tangibility, and interest, harnessing the power that video has on viewers. Apart from its huge search engine optimization (SEO) advantage, a video press release makes it stand out above all the others, increasing the likelihood of journalists and editors catching sight of it as they trawl through the screeds of other press releases published each day.

Video press releases are similar to video news releases in their format, and are nothing new. We see them every day on our local, national and international news stations. PR firms have been using video news releases for a long time, realizing that viewers consider a video news story to be factual and well researched. The good news for smaller businesses is that the effectiveness of video as a strategic and effective marketing tool is not exclusively for those corporates with multi-million dollar marketing budgets. A video press release from News Worthy Video is inexpensive, making the marketing genius that is video, now more accessible to small and middle sized businesses all over the world. “It is becoming increasingly easy to convert our press release clients to add video to their release. All we have to do is show them statistics of the performance of any one of our client’s press releases who chose to add video. The results speak for themselves.” said News Worthy Video company spokesperson, Jason Keiller. “Any client who is serious about getting a quality press release out there and picked up is happy to complement their written release with a video press release.”

Having had a great deal of experience in writing and producing outstanding video press releases, Jason is quick to share his important tips. He strongly believes that a professional video press release should be no longer than 90 seconds in length, ideally 30 to 60 seconds long. It needs to be factual, without using unique industry jargon the layperson listening may not understand. Including images in the video are key to keeping viewer attention throughout the length of the entire video. Three to 10 images per video are ideal. These may be a company logo, picture of a newly released product, or the image of the company CEO. Whatever images chosen, they need to be relevant to the script.

News Worthy Video offer two video press release templates. The first is a news broadcast style with news anchor presenting in a breaking news type video. The second is a press conference style video with the option for a reporter to ask questions. “Personally, I prefer the press conference video template” said Jason Keiller. “I feel this type of video press release brings the product, service or business to life. It is an interesting and unique video format for viewers.” With extensive video production, press release, and Internet marketing experience, News Worthy Video have helped hundreds of businesses reach new customers and increase sales conversion results with the simple use of their video press release services.

A video press release to accompany a written press release provides more powerful SEO, drives traffic to the target website, increases sales, gives the company increased credibility and authority, and offers a significantly greater chance that major media outlets will pick up the press release and publish it.

About News Worthy Video

About News Worthy Video News Worthy Video is an advanced public relations outlet offering video and copywriting solutions for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Producing unique business videos to promote companies through the power of video in Internet marketing. Offering a wide range of video styles, as well as written press releases sent out to all the major media outlets, News Worthy Video specializes in providing their clients with powerful SEO and an increase in website traffic, sales and credibility.

News Worthy Video

141 King William Street
Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5000