(Newswire.net — March 20, 2014) — Health Nutrition News has released a new video discussing why krill, small shrimp-like crustaceans found in the oceans, have the ability to offer health benefits like reduced inflammation, increased metabolism, weight loss, and anti-aging properties. This is a result of krill being an omega 3 source and delivering the essential anti-inflammatory fatty acids EPA & DHA. In fact, research is now suggesting that supplementing with these super fats every single day is even more important to an individual’s health than taking a daily multi-vitamin.
More specifically, Health Nutrition News notes that when a supplement contains higher levels of DHA than EPA it offers the greatest health benefits. These omega-3 benefits include increased eye health & belly-fat burning, reduced inflammation, and greater brain and cognitive health. Many supplements available are loaded with EPA, due to it being cheaper, and do not actually contain the amounts of omega fatty acids listed on the label. Not only are many supplements using unethical labeling practices such as this but also the product they are offering is inferior and typically is not fully absorbed by the body.
Health Nutrition News recommends carefully checking the nutrition labels in each supplement incorporated into a daily regime. Exactly what to look for is not often clear but HealthNutritionNews.org has provided some general guidelines to check. The most important thing to look for is that the supplement has more DHA than EPA. Secondly, is should provide the equivalent of over two thousand mg of EPA/DHA daily or it will not be effective for combatting inflammation. Additionally, only consider a supplement that contains the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin to fully benefit from it. Lastly, as it was previously mentioned many omega-3 sources are not easily absorbed by the body. Individual’s need to make sure any daily fish oil or krill oil supplements uses VesiSorb® to ensure the omega-3s are bioavailable and fully absorbed. While fish oils offer many of the same omega 3 benefits as krill oil they often contain many more contaminants and have higher rancidity levels.
HealthNutritionNews.org explains that rancid oil can be extremely inflammatory and may actually cause damage to the heart, skin, joints and overall health instead of revitalizing it. Additionally, almost all fish oil supplements are EPA dominant and, as mentioned earlier, this diminishes the health benefits, anti-aging properties, and even the fat loss effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Despite all the benefits an individual can get from adding an omega-3 supplement to their daily routine it should still be carefully looked into. Follow the guidelines provided to make sure the supplement delivers exactly what it advertises.
To watch a review Health Nutrition News did on their favorite krill oil supplement check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R4IpJfHxVk
They are also providing a free e-book with the 15 best and worst foods for the heart. Inside it provides greater details on the benefits of supplementing with an omega-3. It has been made available here: http://healthnutritionnews.org/omega-3-benefits
About: Health Nutrition News was launched in September 2013 as a way to relay the importance of health, nutrition, and fitness to its readers. Using relevant and upcoming wellness trends this website provides important news to guide its readers toward making healthier lifestyle choices. Recently they also did a news article on the top rated benefits of probiotics to educate the community on what to look for. Probiotics and krill oil supplements continue to be their top recommended health supplements.