(Newswire.net — April 23, 2014) –Simi Valley, California—Mary Morrissey, on the web at http://marymorrisseyblog.com/, offers some simple tips to become successful in her video series “Ask Mary Morrissey.” The video, located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFC-9wWS8-I, helps to answer the common question, “How do I create more success in my life?”
First, Mary Morrissey says that you have to be clear about what success looks like for you. “Life has unlimited resources, and you have beliefs about what you think you have access to,” says Mary Morrissey, founder of Life SOULutions at http://www.lifesoulutions.net/. According to her, people must define “with clarity and specificity” what they believe success to be.
The second part of this process is being specific. In order to achieve success, an individual must be very specific about what he or she wants. As Mary Morrissey says, “A master builder cannot build a ‘dream house’ without clear and specific instructions.” Until people become specific and “instruct the Universe” in what they want, Mary Morrissey claims, they will never reach their goals and will never enjoy true success.
Becoming successful, according to Mary Morrissey, always begins with a clear vision of what success entails. Afterwhich, individuals can place themselves in the path of opportunities and take advantage of them with a clearly defined plan.
About Mary Morrissey: Mary Morrissey is world-renowned speaker, life coach and founder of Life SOULoutions That Work! and the Life Mastery Institute. She offers coaching to those who want to lead more meaningful lives by helping them put into practice the principles that bring success.
For More Information:
Mary Morrissey
Life Mastery Institute
PO Box 360269
Simi Valley, California 93063
(866) 405-6999(866) 405-6999