(Newswire.net — July 10, 2019) — Melbourne, VIC — Melbourne microblading clinic, J Beauty N Co, have launched a new “Pay By Smile” initiative. This aims to help anyone suffering from alopecia and other diseases to get free microblading and improve their self confidence.
A new “Pay By Smile” initiative has been launched by Melbourne beauty clinic and eyebrow specialists, J Beauty N Co. It allows anyone to visit the clinic on Monday between 9 and 12 to get microblading procedures for free.
More information can be found at: https://www.jbeautynco.com
J Beauty N Co explain that the new initiative has been especially designed so that patients who are suffering from alopecia or any other disease resulting in lost eyebrows can get expert treatment to get the look they want.
Microblading is a specialist process where the team at J Beauty N Co will design the best eyebrow shape for each face using a surface-level inking process. Unlike tattooing, it is not in the deep layer of the skin, but on the surface.
This means that the result is not permanent and will fade within 18 months. However, it allows the specialist team to create great eyebrow architecture and give the customer their ideal looking eyebrows.
One of the key benefits of the process is that the hair strokes are far more natural and find than anything that tattoos could offer. This is because, unlike with tattoos, a fine blade is used for the process.
There are a number of benefits to microblading, including the fact that customers can get long lasting results that look and feel great. This allows them to feel their best and can improve self confidence in every aspect of their life.
In addition to this, with microblading there is no maintenance required. Customers don’t need to worry about plucking or waxing, or even arching the eyebrow in the ideal shape. The effects of these elements is handled for them throughout the Microblading process.
It is an easy way to regain lost eyebrows, and looks far more natural than makeup. With microblading, it is almost impossible to spot the difference between a natural eyebrow and one that has been microbladed.
Full details of the services provided by J Beauty N Co can be found on the URL above.