(Newswire.net — February 29, 2020) — A new online course has been launched called “Magic In Your Mind” designed to help more people achieve their goals. It uses positive thinking and thought patterns to help participants reach their full potential.
A new online course has been launched with a focus on helping anyone to achieve their goals through mastering their mind. By filtering out negative or non-useful thoughts and harnessing positive thoughts, “Magic In Your Mind” participants can design their dream life.
For more information please visit the website here: http://creationsuccess.com
The course was created to help more people attract the success they want with money, relationships, health and more. Anyone can achieve harmony and develop inner awareness that can build a lifestyle they love.
“Magic In Your Mind” allows course participants to soar to new heights of success in their life. The key to this is to tap into the magic and power of the mind.
Reframing the mind to having positive and productive thoughts can be hugely important. The team behind the course explains that thinking can be a barrier between mediocrity and extravagant success.
The new online course bridges the gap between where people are now and where they want to be in the future. The notion that people are what they think is the basis of the course.
The key to tapping into success is developing higher mental faculties and expanding awareness. The six higher mental faculties are imagination, intuition, will, perception, memory and reason.
A spokesman said: “Magic In Your Mind is a transformative, landmark personal development coaching program. During the course of the program Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey and Sandy Gallagher guide you through how to develop each of your six higher mental faculties.”
Studies have shown that the subconscious mind is hundreds of times smarter than the conscious mind. This is where sensory impulses and other information is received.
In order to achieve success, it’s important to reprogram the subconscious to eliminate negative and limiting thought patterns. Making a positive shift in this way can make people feel like a brand new person.
“Magic In Your Mind” is the leading resource to support people in making life altering changes.
Those wishing to find out more can visit their website on the link provided above.