Money Management Skills Course For Children Savings Investments Report Launched

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FUNancial Freedom Ltd announced that a new report is now available for parents looking to teach their children the value of money and the most important money management skills.

FUNancial Freedom Ltd announced the launch of a new report on the importance of teaching children life skills about money management, savings and investments. The report also teaches parents about the multiple benefits of helping children become money smart.

More information can be found at

Most children have no clue about how money works and this has a negative impact on their future financial decisions. The newly launched report at FUNancial Freedom Ltd aims to educate parents about the advantages of providing their children with a clear understanding of the value of money and how to use it.

The report explains that the national curriculum in schools does not include money management lessons. This means that children are left to figure out the importance of saving and being financially aware for themselves.

As good financial habits can take a long time to develop, it is very important to begin teaching and practicing with one’s children at an early age.

For those who want to teach their children the importance of money management, the report recommends FUNancial Freedom. This online course is ideal for parents, aunts, grandparents, guardians or anyone who wants to set up their children for lifelong success.

FUNancial Freedom is a unique program aimed at introducing children to valuable money management skills in a fun and memorable way. Throughout the program, founders Paul O’Mahony and Chris Farrell use animated characters and other fun and engaging methods to teach children and teenagers how to be financially smart.

FUNancial Freedom provides young students with the opportunity to get a financial start in life and a substantial advantage over their peers in the uncertain times ahead.

The report states: “Wouldn’t you like your 7 to 17 year old to be financially educated and live a better fuller, richer life? Whether you’re a parent, a grandparent, an aunt or uncle, or even a big brother or big sister, we want to help your child or teen to become money smart.”

Interested parties can find more by visiting the above-mentioned website.