(Newswire.net — May 16, 2013) Sydney, Australia — There has been a 38 percent increase in the supply and installation of home security cameras, over the past 18 months. Statistics show that from late 2011, there has been an exponential increase through both online and offline security camera shop sales. While investigating the reasons that may have caused this increase, it was surprising to find out that the home and its contents security were not the only reasons.
Video surveillance systems have a time lapse recording feature, where the recording speed or capture rate is slowed down. This ability makes it ideal for the home subsistence farmer, to watch over their produce, while it grows and to spot any problems, so as to eliminate this same problem in the next harvest. It has been also found that the domestic pet needs to be watched over by some devoted owners. The mobile viewing capability of a home security surveillance system, adds peace of mind for these pet owners of Australia.
But of course the main reason for home security cameras installed around the homes of Australian’s is to give the added peace of mind, that they have other eyes watching over their investments. The ability to be able to watch over their home while they are not there, is the number one reason why home owners install security surveillance cameras. Holidays can be enjoyed in a more relaxed state knowing that the home security surveillance system can notify them should there be any problems.
Security technology has come such a long way, security surveillance systems now records in high definition. At this resolution you are guaranteed to capture the most detail within the video of the recorded digital evidence, for the authorities to review. System cost was a barrier in the past, but as the security camera sales increase, the cost of the home security camera systems decrease, quite substantially.
About the Author: Mr. Greg Ashley has been part of the video surveillance industry for close on 20 years. He specialises in all area of video security, both in the analogue and digital formats. He has interviewed many technicians over the years, and has more information to release over the months to come.
Website: http://securitycamerashop.com.au
Email: admin@securitycamerashop.com.au
Phone: 0417 262 496
Location: Sydney, Australia