(Newswire.net — May 17, 2014) Huntington Beach, CA –Los Angeles, California—Author and motivational speaker Perry Belcher has helped hundreds of business owners maximize their profits and take their companies to the next level. However, the “secrets to success” that Perry Belcher advocates are not really secrets. The fundamental key to giving clients what they want, according to Belcher, is to act rather than talk.
While it is important to advertise talents and strengths to potential clients, Internet marketing genius Perry Belcher, on the web at http://www.plus.google.com/106535678519178991141/, advocates actions speaking louder than words.
“Don’t brag about yourself to get clients,” says Perry Belcher, located on the web at http://www.pinterest.com/perrybelcher/. “Instead, use the client-centric model.”
Using the client-centric model means putting the client’s needs first. This, in turn, is a great way to show clients rather than telling them about what a business can do for them. Perry Belcher advises all SEO marketers to take action rather than simply telling their clients what to do. This may involve taking steps to change content, pushing outbound links, launching a PPC campaign or other actions. The common denominator is action that brings about positive results for the client, thereby demonstrating the SEO marketer’s competency.
“You demonstrate you can help them by helping them,” says Perry Belcher, located on the web at https://www.facebook.com/ThePerryBelcher. Whether businesses are large or small, using the client-centric model is the way to demonstrate what an SEO marketer can do.
About Perry Belcher: Perry Belcher is a web marketing specialist, author and speaker who has helped many SEO marketers make the most of their talents.
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