PoundWishes Adds New Funding Opportunities

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(Newswire.net — August 26, 2015) Seal Beach, California –PoundWishes is an organization that focuses on helping rescues and shelters not only find good homes for pets but also to sponsor fundraising campaigns for special pet needs.  The site has recently added several new projects to its page so that those who are interested in donating can offer help to pets in need.


Along with the Puppy Finder page and ability to adopt a dog as seen at http://poundwishes.com/Adopt-a-Pet.aspx, the group now has opportunities for those who want to help pets with special needs to donate money for a common cause.  One recent example is Gizmo, a tiny Affenpinscher mix who was abandoned and is losing the ability to use his back legs due to a congenital deformity.  The Murray County Humane Society in Crandall, Georgia, sent out a request for $750 in funds to buy Gizmo a wheelchair.  The response was tremendous, with $797 being raised in total. 


Another inspiring story is that of Caylee, a pointer mix found on the streets of Pflugerville, Texas, barely alive and so emaciated that her ribs were clearly visible.  In a short time, the Pflugerville Pets Alive! Group was able to raise $2,500 for much-needed veterinary care and treatment through the site. 


From fundraising to pet adoption, Pound Wishes offers rescues, shelters and individuals the opportunity to help pets who might otherwise never have a chance at a happy and healthy life.


About Pound Wishes

PoundWishes is an interactive platform designed to be used by pet rescues and shelters to utilize the power of networking to help them get their pets adopted and raise money for their causes. The group welcomes all types of pet rescues and animal shelters.

Pound Wishes

909 Electric Ave #209
Seal Beach, California 78726
United States
(310) 383-3045