Prediabetes and Diabetes Are a Collection of Things Gone Wrong

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( — July 31, 2015) — Knowing what has gone wrong can allow for a fix. Diabetes and metabolic problems are a collection of abnormalities that are due in part to a high intake of carbohydrates, especially those that are refined and can cause problems of carbohydrate metabolism in those who are pre-disposed to this problem. There are a lot of other associated problems such as elevated insulin levels, abnormal glucose tolerance tests, high blood cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure and obesity around the waist. It’s associated with heart disease, polycystic ovaries, cancer, immunological problems, and definitely results in inflammation to cells.

What happens with diabetes is also part of the cause and effective of many degenerative diseases due to damage of cells. The proper individualized diet, exercise, and metabolic assessment are needed for optimal management of metabolic problems.

How Does Diabetes Develop?

People blame sugar, and this is true in part. It is about how much and what kind of sugar and foods are eaten. Total calories, genetic predispositions, and exercise are other factors.  Diabetes is an autoimmune disease, and there are many things that can damage the beta cells and one of those is free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that bind and destroy different cellular components. One of those is nitrosamines. This is something that can be found in hot dogs or drinking water, or smoked or cured meats, and in processed foods.  It is also pervasive in the environment. Once the cell has been damaged by these nitrates and heavy metals, they create an adverse immune reaction. Nitrate exposes the proteins to the immune system and the immune system thinks that that cell is a foreign cell and will attack it. Beta cells can be destroyed other ways with the body’s own V cells or T cells that can attack it with antibodies. There are also environmental factors that can damage the beta cells due to free radicals like mercury, viral infections, allergies or reactions to certain foods, or of damage caused by intake of unhealthy foods. Milk proteins and intolerance to gluten are more factors that may be related to the etiology of diabetes, along with inflammation pathways.

Fructose Is a Big Problem

Fat and insulin resistance are the result of excess fructose consumption, especially from high fructose corn syrup and ends up as a major component of a surprising number of processed foods, including bread, crackers, ketchup, and other commonly used foods. Ketchup has 50 grams of fructose in one ounce. Some large sodas have nearly 80 grams of fructose.

Why Is Fructose the Worst Carbohydrate?  

It has to do with liver metabolism, inflammation, how fat is stored, lack of hunger suppression, and other metabolic factors. Fructose came to the United States around 1972, the same time that Americans were encouraged to reduce fat in the diet. This time period corresponds to the beginning of foods with the deadly combination of hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. As a result, the incidence of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer also increased dramatically from then up to now. We now know a lot more of how these toxins damage cells and promote many diseases.  

Studies in animals have documented that, compared with glucose, dietary fructose induces a very bad lipid profile and insulin resistance, which then causes inflammation and DNA damage that are linked to cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

Bowel Health

The gastrointestinal tract and the body’s immune system are very important in the role of getting or preventing diabetes. For one, if the body can fight off infections, allergies and intolerances, especially viruses like enteroviruses, or rotoviruses, then the body can resist the damage that can occur to the cells. Leaky gut syndromes, gut inflammation and harmful bacteria all play a role in gastrointestinal health, which has been shown to be related to the development of Type I Diabetes. By having healthy milk sources, such as breast milk, coconut milk, and non-dairy milk may help to decrease the incidence of diabetes according to a number of studies.

Dairy Products

Early exposure to cow’s milk increases the risk by 1.5 times; that’s a 150% increase.  Other proteins may play a role as well, such as a sensitivity to gluten that can come from wheat, rye or barley. More research is needed in the field of good guy bacteria, or micro flora, of the intestines. Viruses, gastrointestinal infections can be caused by enteroviruses such as polio viruses, coxsackie viruses, and echo viruses. I as a physician have seen lots of rotoviruses. There is evidence that these infections may activate immune cells to seek out and destroy beta cells. There’s also evidence of damage to the pancreas from viruses causing a very serious disease called pancreatitis. There may be ways to block the effect of auto immune reactions by organic diet, avoiding various toxins and some research that suggest that Vitamin D may inhibit some of the autoimmune reactions that target the beta cells of the pancreas. I look forward to testing certain seaweeds to see which may be able to chelate heavy metals that have also been linked to the development of antibodies to the beta cells.

Consume More Healthy Fats, Less Unhealthy Ones

Omega 3 deficiency and excess of bad fats may also play a role in diabetes in animal studies. This makes sense to me in that the Omega 3 has anti inflammatory properties.  The mechanisms for this may be improved cell membrane function, less inflammation around the cells and suppression of oxidants and other inflammatory compounds known to damage beta cells. When cells are damaged by auto immune reactions, further damage can occur when a full on auto immune reaction with antibodies occur to shut down the beta cell or kill it. As we get closer to detecting the underlying problem associated with metabolic impairment, we will appreciate the role that it has in the chronic degenerative diseases. This includes not only diabetes and heart disease but also hypertension, renal disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many of the diseases that attack people.

Diabetes is an Aging Process

Prevention can also be treatment depending on what the stage of disease or metabolic impairment it is. For simplicity, I have focused on pre-diabetes in my book with the same name, however, I want to be clear that my biggest focus is getting people to understand the problems of pre pre-diabetes or metabolic impairment in order to properly prevent diabetes, cancer, heart disease and many other medical problems. I feel it will be necessary to evaluate an individual’s biochemical state, evaluate for imbalances and correct them. This occurs no matter what the stage of the disease or pre-disease is.

New Technologies to Solve the New Epidemic

Through new tests that we are working on for oxidative stress, chemical impairment stress hormones, and other problems, we’ll begin to look at Individualized Management and prevention of diseases. Again our focus is metabolic syndrome but the bigger view is that of preventing and better managing diseases in general.

What Are Some Other Factors Involved with Diabetes?

There’s inflammation, oxidative stress, damage to DNA, acidosis, hypoxia, chemical imbalances, exposure to toxins and abnormalities in stress hormones that will play a role. And so there are certain things that I think can help an individual, and my hope in the future is to be able to make these recommendations and that people get baseline test on and see how they do. Certainly a healthy vitamin and mineral formula can be part of a regimen to prevent or treat chronic diseases. I like the idea of using cod liver oil starting probably around 6 months to a year. In adults, I’m a big believer in the stabilized omegas and the proper ratios which can come from wild cod, wild salmon oil but not harvested salmon due to the exposure of dioxin. It’s important to get a good DHA, EPA concentrate. Another favorite of mine is the spectrum of flavonoids such as grapeseed extract as well as the use of probiotics.

Vitamin D

The recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin D is quite low according to the official United States government recommendation in the view of many researchers. I’ve been to many conferences suggesting that infants have 1,000 IUs a day of Vitamin D, those over a year old 2,000 IUs and I do see many patients where their doctors have them on 5,000 IUs.


The flavonoids are antioxidants that are much more powerful than Vitamin C or Vitamin E or Beta carotene. These days such nutrients are considered non-essential or semi-essential, but with environmental toxin exposure as it is I actually consider them quite essential. Any oxidants are needed to balance out the many oxidants and toxins that our body are exposed to. There are some 8,000 compounds that have been classified according to the chemical nature. I like the citrus bioflavonoids which have rutin and hesperidin, and quercetin, grapeseed extract, pine bark, and green tea.

These are possible ways to prevent and treat diabetes, these are also very important nutrients to help prevent cancer. For example, various studies have been done in green tea to show decrease in the number of cancers of pancreas, stomach cancer, colon cancer, cancer of the small intestine, lung, breast and prostate.

Bowel Health

We are what we eat, and our gastrointestinal tract needs to absorb the proper nutrients. Intestinal bowel health can be achieved by the use of probiotics and this produces a healthy environment in the intestines with healthy bacteria to play an important role in the gastrointestinal area to help support immune function. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Biphilobacterium bifidum are two important probiotics. There are studies to show that there’s an increase in healthy antibodies levels to help fight off viruses that affect the intestinal tract like rotaviruses. And they even prevent from rotaviruses from attacking. As a physician, I see many cases of rotoviruses and enteroviruses. Rotaviruses alone cost over a billion dollars in the United States like per year due to hospital visits, and there may be over 600,000 deaths worldwide due to rotaviruses.

Hemoglobin A1c

This is a test to see how sugar is controlled over a 120-day period. The reason for this duration is that is how long red cells last in the body before they die of old age. Around a third of known diabetics have a normal hemoglobin A1C. Using the hemoglobin A1C tests along with other tests, the glucose tolerance test, impaired metabolic test is another way to evaluate the status of diabetes and pre diabetes.

Genetic Screening

In the future, SNPs can be used to look at genetic risk factors and then this information along with testing dietary plans, lifestyle factors and environmental factors can be accounted for to help improve outcomes. SNP stands for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.


About the Author 

Dr. Buckman is the Chief Medical Officer of Viratech Corp, Viratech, Corp. (OTC: VIRA), a software company focusing on developing disruptor based applications in the communication broadcasting, work flow management, crowd sourced labor and  biotechnology fields.

Dr. Buckman has over 39 years of Health Care Experience in a variety of areas of medicine, including research. Dr. Buckman has presented research, published articles and books in the field of medicine, and has given lectures at numerous hospitals and at Medical Conferences. He has numerous Medical Publications, including some number #1 Best Selling Kindle Books on Amazon on breast cancer, oncology, diabetes plus medical articles, and medical research. He was the first US Physician to be accepted into the European Group for Breast Cancer Screening after his research in this field was accepted for publication and presentation at their international conference in Cyprus.

During the last 35 years he has worked to advance a number of medical technologies with a focus on Non-Harmful early detection of disease, with a primary focus on Breast Cancer and Diabetes. His most recent Breast Cancer work was published at the International Cancer Conference and Forum 2010, in Seoul, Korea. He is currently serving on the Industry Advisory Board for the University of Pacific School of Engineering and Computer Science and a Visiting Professor. He has decades of hospital Medical Director experience and has served on over many hospital committees for 35 years, and has served as Medical Director or Associate Director at Multiple Institutions.