Published Study Links COPD With the Increased Risk of Cancer in Non-Smokers

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( — August 10, 2022) Orlando, FL — Experts have long been warning against cigarette smoking, which is linked with a range of diseases, including fatal ones. However, such a warning may also be applicable to individuals who never smoked.

A study was carried out and published in the journal called Thorax.  

In this research, the investigators found an association between COPD and the increased odds of lung cancer in individuals who never smoked. They further found that the risk is actually on a par with that of those who smoke without chronic lung disease. 

According to experts, COPD is an umbrella term for respiratory conditions characterized by the narrowing of the airways, such as bronchitis and emphysema. It is important to note that smoking has long been considered to be a main risk factor for the condition.

COPD is linked with an increased risk of lung cancer. However, up to 39 percent of those who developed COVPD have never smoked. This is why it remains unclear what their risk of lung cancer is.  

In this research, the investigators obtained data from the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) National Sample Cohort study, involving a representative sample of Korean citizens.

They also included 338,548 men (146,996) and women (191,552) belonging to the age bracket of 40 and 84 years, and without a history of lung cancer. The NHIS also provided at least one health check-in between 2002 and 2013. 

It is worth noting that their health check was monitored for an average of 7 years, according to inpatient and outpatient treatment and prescriptions issued.

Within the monitoring period, it has been found that 1834 developed lung cancer. Research has shown that among former and current smokers, individuals without COPD were about two times as likely to have lung cancer.

Further, those with COPD were 6 times as likely to do so, in comparison to individuals who had never smoked and didn’t have COPD.

Scientists have been carrying out studies to look into the various aspects of this condition, and these include some remedies that could be beneficial for the lungs. 

The good news is that there are phytochemicals like curcumin found to be particularly helpful. This remedy can be found in the ancient, medicinal spice called turmeric, which comes in a deep yellow-orange color.

Curcumin is particularly popularized for the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents it contains. It can be obtained through the use of formulas like Divine Bounty Curcumin (

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