(Newswire.net — November 13, 2018) — Airports are expecting record travelers this Thanksgiving. Be prepared by getting to the airport early. There are other useful tips to smooth your journey.
Be prepared for busy airports if you are flying this Thanksgiving. Airlines are expecting an estimated 28.5 million people to fly. Be sure to be there at least 2 hours early (or more) to go through TSA checks. Be sure to remember your picture ID..
There are a few things that can make for a safer and more peaceful trip. A couple of these are things you can do before you leave. Make sure you use timers so your lights go on at specified times in the evening. It makes your house look like you are at home. Have your mail stopped or have a trusted neighbor pick it up. Lock your doors and windows.
Think about when you are coming back. Do you want to come back to a dirty house? Get your laundry and cleaning done before you leave and then you can enjoy a time of rest when you return.
If you plan on taking Christmas gifts to where you will be eating your Thanksgiving meal, do not wrap the gifts. Airport security will unwrap them, so why bother? Wrap them when you get to where you are going, or ship the gifts. Also, use wisdom. If you plan on giving a child a toy plastic gun, don’t take it with you. Just ship it. The same applies to a toy sword. Use wisdom so there is no fuss at the airport.
Also, think about this. If you think you might be transporting some gifts back on your return trip, leave your suitcase about 1/3 empty so there will be space.
As always, be mindful of toiletries. Liquids must be 3.4 oz. or less. All of your creams, toothpastes, shampoos, etc., must fit into a one quart zip-top bag. If you have liquid medications, inform the TSA officer. These can be screened separately.
Be rested before you leave. Consider taking some Vitamin C or other nutrients to build up your immune system. Take some disinfectant wipes and wipe down the arms of your chair and your table. Be proactive against germs. Take some tissues with you. Also, bring along some of that reading you intend to get done.
Enjoy your trip.