(Newswire.net–June 19, 2013) Geraldton, AU.– Based on an article in the website of international medical corps “http://internationalmedicalcorps.org/Page.aspx?pid=2008”, more than one billion people all around the world suffer from lack of safe drinking water.
“Approximately one billion people live without clean drinking water and 2.5 billion are without adequate sanitation services. As a result, more than 2 million, most of them children, die every year from unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene,” stated the said article.
“This declaration is devastating, considering that there is a general belief that the water that people drink today is safe. With most of the cities supplied with treated water, the majority of the population living in these congested places are confident that what they are drinking is safe,” lamented Daniel Warren, author of a recently launched book that explains why even treated water is a threat to you and your health.
Entitled Death by Natural Cause or Premeditated Murder, this book posits that the laxity by which safety of water supply is considered, is tantamount to a conspiracy to destroy human lives.
The book contains information that supports the facts that the majority of the water that people use contains massive amounts of contaminants that results in you and your health suffering. Even fetuses inside the mother’s womb can be easily affected by the kind of water that the mother comes into contact with.
“Studies have shown that chlorinated water is full of contaminants that are not good for pregnant women because it can harm the baby inside the womb, resulting in physical defects and early childhood ailments like asthma and other respiratory tract infections,” Mr Warren revealed.
Mr Warren’s book presents the results of a large number of studies conducted by people who are considered experts in their fields. Many legitimate agencies have also stated their alarm at the negative effects of contaminated water, to you and your health and the environment in general.
The book recommends that people must not rely on the treatments done on the water sources by others.
“You and your health future lies in your own hands, we must all be responsibility for ourselves, therefore, we must use other means to keep our water sources clean,” Mr. Warren wrote. “There are several ways of ensuring the safety of the water that you drink. You can use purchased filters and if required, home-made ones can also be effective. You can even use charcoal and sand as filters for the water that you utilize.”
Mr Warren’s book also gives some recommendations you need to be aware of for you and your health to improve. Aside from drinking safe and clean water, you also need foods that are rich in vitamins and mineral. Eating the right kind of food is not easy, especially when your finances are not good. However, as Mr Warren emphasized, nutritious and balanced food and safe drinking water are needed to keep one’s body healthy.
“Meditation is also one good way to get rid of toxins that come from the water the people use. This exercise need not cost anything and has great benefits; all it needs is one’s full concentration.”
For further information please contact http://www.deadlywater.com.au or Goggle
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