Scientists Now Find Coffee May Inhibit Prostate Cancer

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( — July 1, 2020) Orlando, FL — There have been multiple research studies showing that coffee has significant benefits to health. In men, it has been found to work wonders in protecting prostate health. 

A study was presented at the European Association of Urology congress in Barcelona, after publication in the peer-reviewed journal The Prostate.

In this research, it has been found that the compounds in coffee have the ability to inhibit the development and growth of prostate cancer. 

Scientists reveal that coffee contains a combination of compounds that have been found to influence human health. There is increasing evidence showing that some types of coffee are linked with the reduced incidence of certain types of cancers, such as prostate cancers. 

The study was spearheaded by Dr Hiroaki Iwamoto at the Department of Integrative Cancer Therapy and Urology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Japan.

While the findings of this study are impressive, it is worth noting that there are also negative side effects of coffee consumption. These include the increased risk of hypertension. 

The good news is that there are actually many ways to protect and enhance prostate health. These steps may be significantly helpful in warding off prostate cancer.

One of these steps is to use turmeric, which has long been used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. 

Scientists reveal that the curcumin turmeric contains has many healing agents that could aid in protecting prostate health.

Curcumin has genoprotective, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antiproliferative, antiviral, insulin-sensitizing, androgenic, antifibrotic, neurorestorative, and metal-chelating properties.

It also contains anticoagulant, antiseptic, anti-platelet, antioxidant, anti-amyloidogenic, anti-cytotoxic, antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-purulent, immunomodulating, and anticatabolic agents.

Its many properties may aid in halting the spread and growth of cancerous cells. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been found to aid in fighting indigestion, inflammation, stomach ulcers, heart disease, and liver problems.

A study in 2015 has found that curcumin can restrict some cell-signaling pathways and may even aid in weakening tumor cell production.  

Its radio-protective and radio-sensitizing properties may even work wonders in making tumor cells more vulnerable to radiation.

Multiple research studies have shown that curcumin may aid in fighting a range of diseases and disorders. Today, it is widely resorted to via supplementation as it has a great potential to deliver various therapeutic effects.

In protecting and enhancing prostate health, it is wise to consider the use of formulas like Divine Bounty Curcumin. This amazing formula could be extremely helpful in delivering the therapeutic goodness of this phytochemical.

Divine Bounty Curcumin is equipped with black pepper, which enhances the absorption of the phytochemical inside the body (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty have carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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