Scientists Urge Health Care for Individuals Displaying First Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

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( — February 3, 2021) Orlando, FL — More international studies look not just into the severity of mental health issues like bipolar, but also their high prevalence. It is worth noting that on a global scale, it is estimated to affect 2.4 percent of the global population. 

This is according to the World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey Initiative surveys involving 11 countries. Unfortunately, it has further been found that less than half of individuals with this condition are getting treatment. 

Health authorities warn that among individuals with this condition, the primary cause of premature death is suicide.

As the rates of bipolar disorder continue to soar, scientists are increasingly carrying out studies to learn more about this mental health problem.

One study was carried out by a team of international experts and published in The Lancet Psychiatry. 

In this research performed by the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre, it is recommended that better care and more research into treatments for individuals experiencing a first manic episode are urgently needed.

It is worth noting that there is actually a widespread failure in detecting bipolar disorder early enough. This also includes the lack of guidance in the manner in which people experiencing mania for the first time are being treated. 

Experts call for clearer treatment guidelines as well as targeted care within existing services. It is important to keep in mind that individuals with bipolar disorder tend to be more likely to self-harm by 50 times than the general population. 

The World Health Organization’s Global Burden of Disease even ranked bipolar disorder as the fourth top cause of overall disease burden among individuals aged 10 to 24 years.

Today, there are studies showing that diet and weight play a role in the effective treatment for this mental health issue. It is also worth mentioning that in some research studies, it has been found some natural remedies may be helpful for mental health issues. 

It is interesting to note that some natural remedies like curcumin have shown promise in potentially battling with bipolar disorder. In a study, it has been found that this powerful healing phytochemical enhanced mood symptoms without producing physical problems.

What makes it all the more beneficial is that it can also fight inflammation and oxidative stress, which is helpful in fighting mood swings. 

Curcumin has long been a widely researched phytochemical due to its remarkable healing potentials. Many researchers even study it due to its impressive effects against mental health issues.

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