Small Business Marketing in Las Vegas: Zappos Supports Small Business

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( — September 10, 2013) Las Vegas, NVSmall business marketing in Las Vegas has taken a noticable turn in recent years thanks to social media and the web. The down economy and rise of social media has added new challenges to nearly all small businesses while large corporations seem to thrive. While many large companies today started out as small businesses, most lose their “down home” corporate culture and small business familiarity in exchange for growth.

Not so for Zappos.

Zappos started out as a small business, but early on, they decided to create a customer experience that resembles your local hardware store or flower shop even as they grew exponentially. A customer can call them and they pick up the phone. Unlike most companies their size, Zappos operators are actual, English-speaking citizens working in Las Vegas, NV. This simple strategy of encouraging a high level of communication was the cornerstone for their growth and continued success, but they aren’t stopping there.

Zappo’s most recent undertaking is a $350 million dollar infusion into the local Vegas economy. Using Hsieh’s own money, he is transforming the neglected streets of downtown Las Vegas into a bold new cityscape. His vision it to create the “collisions, co-learning and connectedness” that he believes can revive the neighborhood and attract entrepreneurs and creative talent through real-estate development ($200m), plus investment in tech startups, education and culture, and small businesses ($50m each).

Why this attention to small business marketing? What does Zappos have to do with the success of small business owners?

“Zappos, like other visionary businesses, understands a rising tide lifts all ships,” stated Jase Souder, creator of the Persuasion Paradigm. “When a company like Zappos invests in community infrastructure, they value the lives and purpose of their employess, even outside of the Zappos work environment,” he stated.

As a speaker, trainer, facilitator and coach, Souder has taken Hsieh’s idea of investing in a local community and transformed it to a nationwide movement. His “USA Victory Tour,” a 16-city bus tour and reality show, is designed to empower small businesses. The tour will be visiting Las Vegas on September 13, 2013 and is free to attend.

Souder’s mission is bold. He plans on turning the economy around, one entrepreneur at a time. “Even the great wall of China was built by individal bricks,” Souder reflected. “Our USA Victory Tour launches on the somber date of September 11th, and continues through November. We will be stopping at over a dozen cities across the nation and teaching the principles and tactics that took Zappos from an idea to a $1 Billion dollar company.

While our focus will be the home inspection, realtor and entrepreneur industries, there isn’t a single business owner who won’t benefit from participating in the tour,” he stated. “When it comes to a proper mindset, persuasive communication and effective marketing, many entrepreneurs get a little dizzy. The USA Victory Tour gives any entrepreneur the tools necessary to transform their small business into a significant one…maybe even as large as Zappos.”

USA Victory Tour

3425 Cliff Shadows Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89129
