(Newswire.net — October 20, 2014) Somerset, New Jersey — The Spaulding Group (TSG) is pleased to announce that David Spaulding, DPS, CIPM, the firm’s founder and CEO, will host a panel discussion on benchmarks at NASDAQ’s Institutional Insights Forum on Thursday, October 23, 2014.
“I am honored to have been chosen to chair a panel on this critically important topic,” said David Spaulding. “NASDAQ recognizes that there are many aspects of benchmarks that need to be addressed and is taking the lead on this matter by assembling several industry leaders to discuss this subject.”
The program briefly describes the session as follows: “Given the rising cost and complexity of licensing for index data, many buy side managers are starting to evaluate their benchmarks and potential alternatives. Take a deeper dive into this trend to learn about the decision-making process for benchmark selection, the hidden cost to investors, and how the custodian segment in particular is starting to provide increased transparency on the relative cost of benchmark data options.”
For more information or to register for the event, go to http://www.nasdaqomx.com/buy-side-forum-2014/agenda.
About The Spaulding Group: With offices in the New York City and Los Angeles metropolitan areas, The Spaulding Group, Inc. is the leader in investment performance measurement products and services. TSG offers consulting services along with GIPS and non-GIPS verification services. It conducts operations reviews and software certification services as part of its consulting group. The firm publishes The Journal of Performance Measurement, a quarterly publication we launched in 1996; and hosts the Performance Measurement Forum. The firm also sponsors the annual Performance Measurement, Attribution and Risk (PMAR) conference and PMAR Europe which have come to be recognized as the leading performance measurement conferences in the industry. TSG’s Institute of Performance Measurement offers performance measurement training, including a fundamental’s course on performance measurement performance measurement, a course on performance attribution, and two CIPM exam preparation courses.
For More Information:
Stephen Sobhi