Studies Now Show D-Mannose Could Prevent and Treat UTIs

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( — December 15, 2018) Orlando, FL — As the side effects of antibiotics continue to be notoriously known, the popularity of safer alternatives like D-Mannose also increases.

According to researchers, this powerful healing sugar could work wonders in preventing the onset and recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs). What makes it even more beneficial is that it could treat the infection.

In the United States, infections in the urinary tract are the second most common type of infection. Such infections are often caused by impaired immune function, poor hygiene, use of spermicides, overuse of antibiotics, and sexual intercourse.

What makes antibiotics disadvantageous is the side effects they cause. They kill not only the UTI-causing E. coli bacteria but also the beneficial ones inside the body.  It has even been found to produce antibiotic resistance, which is considered to be a major global public health issue.

Studies have shown that D-Mannose, which is found in blueberries, apples, and cranberries could work as a preventive remedy and treatment for UTIs.

This type of sugar binds with the E. coli bacteria, which could otherwise latch onto the cells lining the urinary tract and cause infection. Once bacteria are prevented from sticking to the urinary tract walls, infection is highly less likely.

D-Mannose is not harmful to the body as it is also eliminated via urine. It doesn’t cause dangerous adverse effects like antibiotic resistance and is even linked with many other health benefits.

When it comes to experiencing the healing benefits of D-Mannose, it is always wise to choose the right formula. 

Purest Vantage D-Mannose is one of these supplements, and it is widely known for its high potency and purity. This extra-strength formula is carefully crafted to ensure that consumers are provided with the most reliable and effective source of this UTI-fighting therapeutic sugar. 

There are many features that make this amazing formula superior over other brands. Today, it continues to gain increasing attention and trust from consumers. 

Every capsule is equipped with 600 mg D-mannose powder plus extra ingredients like cranberry and dandelion extracts. This extra-strength formula is specifically made to offer maximum support to urinary tract and bladder health. 

Aside from the healing ingredients it contains, it is also popularized by its purity. It doesn’t contain nasty and unwanted ingredients like GMOs, fillers, binders, wheat, soy, stearates, additives, and preservatives. 

It is one of the best supplements to prevent the onset of urinary tract infections. Some positive reviews even reveal this formula has been able to prevent UTI recurrence. 

What makes this amazing supplement even more beneficial is that it is backed with a customer satisfaction guarantee.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


390 North Orange Avenue
Suite 2300-C
Orlando, FL 32801
United States
(407) 208-2064