(Newswire.net — January 22, 2018) Wilmington, DELAWARE — Tadkin’s Ultimate Gel Pen Collection has been widely believed to be an excellent tool to use for individuals who are engaged in art therapy. However, this pen set may also be extremely useful when diarizing.
The Tadkin Ultimate Gel Pen Set is an ideal tool for writing a diary. Diarizing may offer some significant health benefits as it allows people to fully express themselves in writing. They are able to keep their sense of optimism about reaching their aspirations.
The potential health benefits associated with expressive writing have been studied by Professor James Pennebaker, from the University of Texas in Austin. In his experiments, it was found that regular writing may aid in improving immune system health.
It may also be helpful in one’s recovery from certain traumatic events and in easing stress and depression. The research study involved a group of participants who were able to survive traumatic events.
The participants were asked to put their experiences into writing for 20 minutes on a daily basis. They were also instructed to write four times every week.
At the end of the study, it was found that the group instructed to write had less frequency of visits to their healthcare provider than those who did not write. These journal writers also had stronger antibody response to bacteria and viruses. They even produced lower levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone.
In a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was found that individuals with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis experienced a significant reduction in their symptoms. These participants wrote about the extremely stressful events in their life.
While regular pens can be used for writing a diary, there are many benefits in using this Ultimate Gel Pen Collection from Tadkin. Individuals who write a diary can use a color according to the emotions they have regarding certain life events.
It may make the writing experience even more enjoyable. This Ultimate Gel Pen Collection does not just come with 100 pens in 100 unique colors, but also with an ergonomic packaging. This amazing packaging is extremely useful since it makes transport and storage of this large number of pens easy.
There are those who end up losing or misplacing pens, and this means they need to spend more to replace the lost ones. With the ergonomic packaging that comes with this gel pen set, consumers are no longer at the risk of losing any of the pens.
About Tadkin
Tadkin in a premium quality office stationary brand dedicated to providing customers with high quality products and a positive customer experience. Our products are designed with the customer’s convenience and needs always in mind. We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all of our products and are always open to suggestions.
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