The Secret
The Secret is a truth that has been kept from all of us for thousands of years. Jack Canfield reveals the amazing insights on how The Secret works in our lives and how we all can benefit from it the most. The Secret works silently and secretly through our belief system. Yet we are playing along with it through all this time, yet we do not have the slightest idea of what it is.
Jack Canfield explains all the intricacies related to these hidden facts.
Thought is energy. This energy gets its form in our imagination. Our imagination gives that thought a foundation to build on. Thinking the same thing again and again starts to take a form and finally it comes right in front of us as a reality. Amazing, yet so hard to believe.
Have you ever thought that why you keep getting in the same kind of bad relationships again and again, why you are unable to have the financial abundance you always desired, why you always run out of luck? Would you believe that you are doing it to yourself? How? Closely listen to what you constantly say to yourself. I am not good enough. My life is another name for misery. I just can’t live a happy life. I will never be financially abundant. Nobody respects me. It can go on and on. Do you see why your life is like what you keep telling yourself again and again? It is just like a boomerang.
Now what do you need to tell yourself even though you do not have financial abundance. I am financially abundant and wealth flows in my life so easily. If you find it hard to believe, just know the bad outcomes in your life have come the same way as the good will come by telling yourself the things you really want in life. Feel the abundance and believe in it. Tell yourself that “All Your Problems Are Resolved With Great Ease.” You will see the magic of it. Just believe it.
Your logical mind, which is the left brain, will always disprove this thought because it does not comply with any logic. Simply disprove your left brain and say that you are not going to imprison yourself in logic, but will believe in what you want to believe and that will be your reality. This is The Secret.
You have the answer to your success within you and you can reach your inner wisdom through The Secret. We all need the right person to guide and Jack Canfield has been the source of true inspiration for millions of people throughout the world. He explains all the complex information in a very simple way. His thoughts will become your thoughts and you will begin to see the life from a very different perspective.
Join Hands with Jack and reach to the dreams of your life.