(Newswire.net — May 7, 2019) — Unfortunately, obesity is an increasingly prevalent concern for both children and adults. However, people often associate being overweight or obese with living a sedentary lifestyle or having unhealthy eating habits. This isn’t always the case, though. Other factors can contribute to being overweight and obese.
Complications Associated With Obesity
A high number of males who suffer from obesity must take a medication like Viagra or Cialis. Heart problems are also a very prevalent concern for people who have a high BMI. Many individuals who are obese also have diabetes, high cholesterol, or hypertension. Many studies have concluded certain cancers are more common in people who are overweight.
Insulin Production and Usage
Not everyone’s bodies function the same. For instance, some people’s bodies don’t produce an adequate amount of insulin. On the other hand, some people’s bodies don’t use insulin properly. Although these issues are factors in an individual having diabetes, it’s also possible for these problems to lead to weight gain. If a person’s body can’t regulate sugar adequately, it’s possible for the glucose to be converted into fat and stored by the body.
While some medications are necessary for a person to live a happy, healthy life, they don’t come without potential side effects. Unfortunately, one of those side effects is often weight gain. Birth control, for instance, may consist of hormones, which can cause water weight gain and increase a woman’s appetite. Other drugs can have the same effect. For example, diabetes medications and antipsychotics may interfere with a person’s appetite and ability to burn calories. Steroids cause weight gain as well.
Metabolic Issues
A person’s metabolism has a lot to do with how their body functions. People who have a high metabolism burn calories more rapidly while a person with a low metabolism doesn’t burn them as quickly. Sometimes, a person has metabolic syndrome, which can affect various aspects of his or her life including his or her weight.
Some individuals refrain from eating when they go through bouts of depression. However, this isn’t true for everyone. Some people with depression eat more. They try to fill a void with food. In some cases, a person with depression doesn’t feel like doing much, so this individual doesn’t burn many calories.
Obesity isn’t always caused by overeating and eating unhealthy foods. Many people have conditions that lead to it. In other cases, a person uses a medication that causes it.