People over 50 can benefit from a newly launched guide on walking for weight loss. Health Into Old Age aims to help people stay healthy and reduce their likelihood serious illness by exercising.
A new guide has been launched to help people over 50 lose weight by walking. The guide from Health Into Old Age explains walking can offer a number of health benefits aside from weight loss and burning fat, including reducing the likelihood of type two diabetes and other serious health conditions.
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The newly launched guide is designed to help people over the age of 50 who want to lose weight and burn fat through walking. The guide explains people do not have to go on a long hike to lose weight as walking briskly for 30 minutes each day can make a difference.
Walking 7,500 steps a day could reduce the likelihood of type two diabetes, however, 3,000 of these steps should be completed at a brisk pace. Health Into Old Age says some health insurance companies offer a discount to people who can prove they are walking briskly each day via a step counter app or pedometer.
Tracking steps can help people to monitor their progress whether they want to walk faster or further, and it can be a useful tool for setting goals. In addition, the advantage of linking a step counter or tracker to a smartphone is the fact it may be able to track calories burned, the distance traveled, pace, and more.
Health Into Old Age explains walking before breakfast when the body is already short of calories can help to burn fat. The team explain that glycogen levels are generally lowered during sleep, which means the body will automatically use the stored fat as energy.
Varying the pace of walking can offer health benefits too, the guide says taking long strides at differing paces can aid weight loss. It also suggests swinging the arms correctly can help people burn 5 to 10 percent more calories while also working the upper body.
A spokesperson said: “Adding intensity on certain days can improve the calorie burning process. For instance, you could try high intensity walking on three alternate days with moderate activity on the other days. Each session should be around 30 minutes for maximum results.”
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