Wallingford CT Electrolysis Pilonidal Cyst Hair Removal Service Launched

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Alpha Electrolysis has expanded its range of services to include electrolysis treatment for people seeking a permanent hair removal solution following a pilonidal cyst surgery.

Alpha Electrolysis, a hair removal center based in Wallingford, Connecticut, announced the launch of an updated range of services to include electrolysis treatment for people who have undergone pilonidal cyst surgery. The method is considered a permanent solution for unwanted hair removal that also reduces the chance of recurrence of the disease.

More information can be found at https://www.alphaelectrolysisct.com/thick-hair-and-pilonidal-cysts

A pilonidal cyst is a sac filled with hair and skin debris occurring at the base of the spine, or the so-called “tailbone” area. It generally forms around a hair that penetrates the skin and gets embedded.

The disease usually has no symptoms, but if a cyst develops an infection, people could experience pain when walking or sitting, redness or swelling, and pus or blood draining out of it. An infected pilonidal cyst is treated through excision or drainage.

There is, however, a high chance of recurrence after the surgery – according to studies, the likelihood of pilonidal cyst returning is as high as 30%. This usually happens when the area becomes infected again or when hair grows near the scar. That is why keeping the area around the wound free from hair plays a key role in averting recurrent pilonidal cysts.

Electrolysis is a safe technique for removing unwanted hair from the face or body. The procedure is performed with a device that heats the tissue around the hair follicle, disrupting new hair growth. Specifically, a fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle, and then the hair is extracted with tweezers. A session takes between 30 minutes and an hour, and the treatment requires several procedures to achieve the best results.

Compared to other treatments, such as hair laser removal, waxing, and shaving, electrolysis seems to be the most efficient method for preventing hair growth permanently.

With electrolysis, there is no use of harsh chemicals on the skin, and it works well with all types of hair. The long-lasting effect of electrolysis also makes it the preferred method for averting the formation of pilonidal cysts in the future.

For additional information regarding Alpha Electrolysis’ services, see the link above.