Why Authority Marketing Campaigns are the New SEO for Google and Bing

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(Newswire.net — March 9, 2014) Chicago, Illinois Imagine seeing articles online about you and your small business. Imagine feeling like you love them. You can’t wait to show the articles to everyone. You are now really easy to find online. You love what you see. People are calling you with compliments and wanting to do business with you. You light up. 


SEO, search engine optimization came about as strategies to raise websites ranking. This began in the 1990s. At that time search engines were new. Websites were new. The popular internet as we know today was in its infancy. It was learning to walk and everyone involved was exploring ways to relate to it.


A big issue with search back then getting relevant search results.

Most search results had little or nothing to do with the search inquiry. You might search for a kitchen table and be given 20,000 porn sites. The problem the founders of Google addressed and do address is getting search results that are relevant to the search request. This has been and is evolving. New ways of interpreting and understanding what the person is searching for are being explored and developed.


Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines are exploring how people feel, think, choose, ask, communicate and relate.

There is an enormous body of research and studies on how people naturally interact and then looking at ways to model that online. Google has taken the lead on introducing AI, artificial intelligence into the online experience.


Google’s wants to make people’s online experience natural, interesting, valuable and compelling. They want people to choose them as their main way searching. Bing wants people to choose them as their main way of searching. 


In the 1990s and through the 2000s the search algorithms were simple compared to today. Just as arithmetic is simple compared to algebra and algebra compared to calculus. Much of the focus was inward as the online world was getting finding its legs and learning to walk then run. Now, the internet is sprinting and over the past 3 years has been doing some soul searching. We saw this with Google as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird.


The search experience is becoming more intelligent.

Search engines are exploring and redefining how they want to be related to as well. SEO of the past was about beating, gaming or otherwise trying to figure out how to make the search engine pick them. Yes, the searches are more relevant but underlying that was a black market of ways to outwit it.


Google has made it clear they want value added for the audience.


They have made it clear they want what is offered and how it is done to be about the audience and not about their algorithm. They have made it clear by their actions that if they even think, feel or get that there is a some effort to beat, con, trick or otherwise use the old or newer versions of tricky SEO, they can, might or will send you and your site to Search Engine Siberia.


The old SEO ways fail and yet there is the persistent effort to continue with that.

Doing more of what does not work does not make it work. The idea that the way to make something work is by doing more of what used to work but does not work now is the predominant modality. It is like if you cook something and overcook it the solution to making it right is to cook it even more. Small businesses are realizing they need to change what they are doing.


What is there to do? If all else fails read the instructions.


Relate to Google, Bing, Yahoo and the search engines as a good friend and business partner. You don’t try to trick or con your friends do you? Build  relationships with them as you would with a friend or business partner. Build trust, reputation and authority. Treat them well with respect. Treat like that and they will treat you like that as well.

This new era is not about search engine optimization. This new era is about adding value for the audience.This is an incredible opportunity for professionals, entrepreneurs and small businesses as it is in the early adapter phase where you can be out in front of the trend.


There are three pieces. All three are needed.    

   –  Creating ongoing consistent original, interesting, natural, relevant, compelling, quality, entertaining content. This needs to be well done, not spun, mechanically created or done by someone who has no idea what they are talking about. It needs to contributed by someone who has insight or knowledge of the topic and has done their research. This is an art, science and talent requiring real work.

   –  It needs to be coming from an established, reputable authority source.

   –  It needs to be coming from an established, reputable authority author/influencer.

At this time there is a focus on quality work that adds value to the audience.

When looking for a professional let their work speak for them. That will let you know if this is someone that you can connect with. It will let you know if this would be someone that gets you, who you are, what you and your business is about and can convey how you as you would like to be perceived. 


Authority marketing campaigns are offered by a select group of professionals.

It is the same concepts that have been around for thousands of years. What has changed over time is how it is performed. Authority marketing campaigns meet the three requirements above as those involved do actually read Google’s instructions and follow them.


Imagine the feeling you have when everything is going really well.


Authority marketing campaigns are available to qualified professionals and businesses on a limited basis. Learn more..


John K Arnold

JKA Marketing, Inc

910 W Van Buren # 340

Chicago, IL 60607

Ph:  312-802-1208

Ph:  407-592-0311


Email: john@jka-marketing.com


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