What Qualities Can Your Team Acquire Through Charitable Corporate Teambuilding Activities?

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(Newswire.net — January 6, 2019) — Working with a new team of employees can be challenging. The key to teambuilding is to understand the positive qualities of each employee and finding ways in which these individuals can contribute towards the improvement of the entire team. One way of achieving that is by focusing on the competency you want to kindle within your organization. Next, you need to plan an activity or an onslaught of events that can foster its development.

Here are some of the qualities you might want to see in one team.


You might want to find out how your employees function together as a team. They might be great individuals with excellent experience in their respective fields, but do they excel at communication? One way to improve teamwork and organization skills is by taking them to work with local chefs at the kitchens in your area. No one is more organized than chefs, and restaurant kitchens require the finest communication to remain functional. Therefore, taking them to a local restaurant to cook for the homeless or the poor is not only going to contribute to a noble cause, but it is also going to help your employees function as a team.

Team bonding

New employees can take a couple of weeks to bond with the old team. However, if they keep working in silos, it is going to be difficult for the employer to boost team productivity. Effective teamwork demands a group of people sitting together, thinking together and working together! It is true for all industries and corporations. One of the great ways to achieve this is through volunteer work. You can pick any local charity drive including making soft toys, distributing bicycles and building wheelchairs for your employees. For more ideas on team bonding through charity work, visit charity-team-building-events.com.


How can a team remain a team, if the members do not communicate? Millennials tend to spend a lot of time in front of digital screens, and they pay little importance to the art of communication. One way to change that is by introducing performance art for a charitable cause. Encourage your employees to work on a play together that you can turn into a CSR event. Invite sponsors, industry players, the family and friends of the participants. Encourage people to buy tickets for the performance so that you can donate the proceeds to a local charity. Preparing for the play and performing it will encourage your employees to open up to each other, spend time together after work and work towards a common goal.

The best way to mobilize your team members towards a common goal is by listening to them. Check their resumes, can you find any particular interest they have in common? Do some of them play the piano? Can some of them dance? Have they worked for any charity drive before? Speaking with your team can help you find the right cause for your employees. Often, looking at the skill gaps can help with teambuilding through fun activities.