The Best Ways to Increase Soundcloud Plays Without Much Effort

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( — January 13, 2019) — You must have endured a lot to make the first recording. The music industry is growing fast as well as the competition. To make money, you have to be innovative and relevant in the market. Besides, you have to make use of the digital platforms. SoundCloud offers a platform for you to easily penetrate the market. While it is a level playfield, you have to work hard in building a brand. Whether you are doing it as a passion or for money, there is fulfillment in numbers. You should work towards that; there will be no point of recording several tracks if you are not recognized.

Here are some tips to grow on SoundCloud

Clear and specific metadata

Most people make the mistake of posting profiles with unnecessary content. The only details you require in your metadata are artist name, label, and track title. This is all viewers need to click on your track and play. Remember the goal is increasing the number of plays, it is the only way you will increase popularity; the higher the number of plays the higher the higher the frequency of appearance on SoundCloud.

Avoid adding track numbers to the title when uploading numbers. The focus should be on clarity. Other users on the site should be able to identify you with the track with a quick glance. Do not duplicate information on another artist’s profile; you will be presenting a vague and unprofessional impression. In fact, SoundCloud discourages filling up titles with unnecessary details.

Including artist name and track title identified you as a music artist to get free soundcloud plays. SoundCloud is a universal platform; not everyone is an artist. Also, the details help with easy discoverability through the search engines.

Focus on image descriptions

Images allow you to be creative and post unique descriptions on your tracks. Be sure to use high quality images that can attract users on the site. You can include all your descriptions on the image through graphics and other photos. Depending on design of your profile, resize the images to match your resolution needs. Images should fit correctly to appear neat.

Also, engage your listeners with a brief story on the audio. Consider adding lyrics, credits, and guest lists on the track posting. It is also important to recognize collaborators in the production process. An easy and professional way is linking their profiles.

While you should be creative with image descriptions, make sure you retain professionalism and consistency.

Mood and genre

Always include mood in the tags. You should familiarize with search algorithms of SoundCloud to understand the importance of proper information on the tags. Mood and genre on the tags increases your chances of getting discovered through the basic search. If users are impressed by your tags and profile set up and recommend you, SoundCloud increases your discoverability. The algorithm prioritizes user recommendations.

In addition to mood in the tags, be sure to describe your specific genre. Add a few genres for easy recognition by users. Avoid including too much information on the metadata and tags unless it is relevant. To be popular on the platform, go for quality rather than quantity.

Moods and genre are the basic discoverability features on SoundCloud.

Curve your own path

As mentioned, SounCloud offers a level playfield for users. You need to be creative and make your tracks more visible. To make your profile and tracks more visible, you have to understand user needs on the platform. Once SoundCloud posts your music as an album based on date, all a user wants is adding the tracks to their playlist. Help users by creating a playlist within the album for easy inclusion in their collection.

Arrange your playlist according to date to increase chances of discoverability. Also, configure your metadata on tracks to match trends in the industry and user needs. Of course, technology is influencing the music industry and you have to keep up with the trends. Users do not have time to go into details of your profile; let the important details be conspicuous to hook them.

Be sure to include specific and but detailed information. It should be relevant.  Avoid spam messages on the metatags.

Editing multiple tracks

This is a smart way of increasing visibility on Sound Cloud. Instead of struggling with finding your audience with the instant Famous strategy, consider optimizing your tracks with trends in the music industry. Find out what users are up to on other online platforms that work like SoundCloud and edit metadata on each of your tracks. It can be quick and simple if you master this trick.

You can create a playlist from specific tracks and upload them at once without worrying about interfering with your current rating and visibility on SoundCloud. Besides, you can customize your profile and metatags with artwork and regularly update settings to apply across all tracks. The objective in this case is saving time by making multiple changes at once.

Familiarize with the SoundCloud platform to utilize most of its features for easy updates. You can remove, or modify tracks on different playlists by easy selections on your profile. Or you can also take the easy way and buy soundcloud plays.

Learn dynamics in the market and apply it on your profile.