The Best Way to Create Instagram Content

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( — October 22, 2019) — Instagram is one of the hottest photo-sharing platforms out there. This is because of Instagram:

  • The interface is very easy to use and anyone can upload 
  • Allows for convenient in-app photo editing
  • Can connect to Facebook and contacts so you can add people you know
  • Allows uploads to go through very fast
  • Is free to use, and makes promoting your profile very affordable

Here is a detailed list of things you should focus on when creating new content for Instagram!

  1. Find Your Niche

You need to know what you like and what your followers want to see. Choose topics you wish to post about. Is your account about travel, lifestyle, new online casinos 2020, fitness, or fashion? Find your niche!

  1. Content

Next comes content. After finding your niche, create content that ties in with it. Also, search for trending topics by visiting other famous Instagram pages. For example, if Valentine’s Day is around the corner, post about it. This is a great way to engage with the current trend and attract followers. Your content should be fun and relevant to current trends and your niche.

  1. Theme

Following a theme is great because it helps tie all your posts together. Choose one and stick to it. For example, if you choose the theme “white,” use pictures that maintain this element.

  1. Hashtags

Find hashtags that are trending right now. To do this, visit the Browse page. It will automatically suggest tags for you to explore and choose. Hashtags help you gain new followers and share your content, so make sure you use relevant ones.

  1. Take Better Pictures

To improve your photography skills, watch tutorials on YouTube, and read up on photography. Remember, better pictures get more likes! You need to curate your content with what your followers would like to see, and everyone loves a well-taken picture.

  1. Posting Schedule

Decide on a strict schedule for posting, so followers know when to expect new content. Also, discover timings when your followers are most active for maximum engagement. You can do this by checking Insights on Instagram.

  1. Captions

Whether you’re writing a long, self-written paragraph, or borrowing a one-liner from a song, your caption must be relevant to the image! Deciding your captions in advance will help you boost post quality. Don’t forget to include hashtags, too!

  1. Select Brands to Promote

If you are an influencer looking to make money off your profile, first find a brand to sponsor you. When this happens, tailor your content to focus on the brand. Use hashtags, engaging captions, and edit your pictures to make the post-pop!

  1. Advertisement 

Your content plan should include an advertisement schedule if you are willing to invest in it. Instagram advertisements are affordable and start at below 1USD, depending on where you live. 

  1. Creating Content for Followers

You should know what your followers want to see and tailor your content accordingly! See which posts do best in terms of engagement and post similar things in the future to maintain your profile.