Tips to Help Make House Moving a Lot Easier (and Enjoyable!)

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( — June 27, 2020) — Moving can be very stressful. Packing up your life and dragging it across the state or to another country may be one of the most stressful experiences you will ever have. Below you will find tips that may make moving a little easier.


If you are not a planner then you need to get on the planning bandwagon. No one wants to panic-pack. Panic-packing happens when you wait until the last minute so now you are running around trying to get everything done. Avoid that at all cost by making a plan. Figure out how much time you have before moving day and how long it will take you to pack. Then create a schedule to make sure you meet your deadline.

Pack a Starter Pack

Chances are when you move into your new home, you will not feel like unpacking right away. In that case, pack a box or two with your necessities. This starter box will allow you to have everything you need without having to search through a bunch of boxes or wait until you feel like unpacking. These things can include bed sheets, blankets, prescriptions, toilet paper, coffee pot, and coffee cups. Pack anything you think you might need on your first few nights in your new home.

Important Items

This may go without saying but keep your important documents and your starter boxes with you. Do not put them on the moving truck. Your important documents could get lost. If you are using a moving company, chances are they won’t make it to your new home before you. Depending on where you are moving, it may take a while for the truck to get there. So if you need those documents (birth certificate, etc.) you won’t have them with you and that may cause a few problems. It makes more sense to keep these things with you because you never know what is going to happen or what delays your movers may experience.


When moving, labeling is very important. Once you get to your new home, if the boxes have been labeled, unpacking will be a lot easier. When the truck is being unpacked, the movers can take the labeled boxes and put them in their corresponding rooms. When you pack up your kitchen, label the boxes, and mark them with different colored packing tapes. For instance, it would be easier if you use green tape for all boxes from the kitchen and everything with blue is from the master bedroom. You should make a note of what color corresponds to what room.

No Heavy Boxes

Whether you plan on moving all by yourself or you’re hiring movers like Removalists Perth, they won’t be The Hulk or Mighty Mouse. So pack accordingly. Don’t make the boxes too heavy, but don’t make them too light. Take the more dense items and put them in smaller boxes. Doing this will make the boxes easier to carry.

Photograph Everything

Before you pack, go through each room and take pictures of everything. Take pictures of all your items in case they are lost or stolen. Also, if there are items that you have to take apart, take pictures of them beforehand. That way when you get to your new place and have to put them together, you can look at the picture to make sure you are doing it correctly.

Breakables Go Together

Take all of your breakables and put them in the same box. Wrap them individually and then wrap them together in blankets or towels before putting them in the box. Wrapping them individually in paper and wrapping them together will help to cushion them in the box and hopefully stop them from breaking.

So now that you know some few tips for your big moving day, you can look forward to it more rather than dread it. Happy moving!