How to Avoid Bed Bugs When Traveling

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( — July 8, 2020) — Bed bugs are usually something that you do not want to think about when you are going on vacation. However, it is not uncommon to come across them when you are at one of your favorite vacation sites. Even though bed bugs are not very pleasant, this should not stop you from going on your planned vacation. You might even have them in your home, but that does not mean all hope is lost. There are precautions and different steps that you and your family can take while traveling or at home to avoid bed bugs. While there is not a way to avoid them completely, these precautions will help decrease your likelihood of coming across them. 

The first thing you can do, before booking your room, is to call the hotel or resort and ask if they have had any complaints with bed bugs. If they are serious about preventing bed bugs, they should have a plan that they would be able to tell you about. This plan would most likely include having professionals come to the location to terminate these bed bugs. Professionals like Pest Control Brisbane use their trained eyes to help locate these hard to see bugs and get rid of them. This should give you a good idea if they have a proper prevention plan. Another thing that you could do is read the reviews of the location you are staying at. While one bad review mentioning bed bugs may not be a deciding factor for all the rooms, it can still give you an idea of what it is like.

Now, let’s say you get to your vacation spot and you start becoming suspicious that you may have encountered bed bugs. There are a few things to look out for. While bed bugs are most active at night, you may wake up to itchy welts from where the bites have occurred. On the area where the bed bugs are located, you may see dark fecal spots, eggs shells, or shreds of skin. You may even see blood stains on the area. If you come across these things while on vacation, it would be best to ask to be relocated to a different room. However, if you come across these signs in your home, it would be best to reach out to a professional.

In most cases, when you reach out to a professional, they will first inspect your home to determine if you do have bed bugs, which are hard to see to the untrained eye. They will then exterminate and remove the bed bugs from the area, leaving you with a clean and safe environment to sleep. Lastly, they will educate you on how to prevent the bed bugs from coming back. It is very easy to prevent bed bugs from returning if you follow the preventative strategies. For the worst-case scenario, if you do not call a professional to handle your bed bug infestation, they will most likely stay in your home. Even though bed bugs do not carry infectious diseases, you do not want to wake up every morning with itchy welts from where you have been bitten.