Nimrod Santo Shares Simple Tweaks That Can Generate Massive ROI in Your Ads

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( — July 27, 2020) — Sometimes, a little goes a long way. This can especially be true when we’re talking about digital marketing ads for your business. A lot of the time, it can seem like ads can be a major hit or a major miss. But Nimrod Santo doesn’t agree and definitely has a lot to share on the topic. 

This digital advertising expert and online entrepreneur believes that most of the time, some small tweaks can generate massive ROI, or return on investment, in your ads.

Here are some of Santo’s simple tricks to help you get there.

Make sure your text and headlines are researched and optimized

Words matter when it comes to your advertisements. Nimrod Santo recommends making sure your text and headlines for your ads are all keyword optimized, and that you conduct research on your keywords. That way, you can make sure you’re writing copy that will deliver results. If you use the wrong words, you’ll be pushing your audience away, instead of attracting them.

Take advantage of testimonials

If you already have a client base which supports your brand or your work, testimonials can be an extremely effective advertising strategy. According to Nimrod, customers are much more likely to trust your brand when they see other customers who have positive experiences. Word-of-mouth recommendations go a long way, and can help boost consumer trust.

Keep copy fresh, especially with social media

Copy has a very short shelf life in today’s digital landscape, according to Nimrod Santo. That’s even true for extremely successful copy.

Writing new copy weekly, at the very least, will help keep your audience interested in engaged. If they keep seeing the same old ads, they’re much more likely to want to move on.

Keep track of how your ads are performing

It’s not enough to just put an ad out into the world and forget about it. According to Santo, keeping track of performance results can help you see what’s working and what’s not working, plain and simple. Your data can tell you a lot, and if something is a flop, you can make some immediate changes.

Add incentives

Customers like to feel like they’ve found a good deal, or that they’re saving money. Even if they know they’re viewing a mass advertisement, they’ll still be much more interested if they feel like they’re winning out, according to Santo. That’s why offering incentives for purchasing through your ads can be an effective hook. 

About Nimrod Santo

Nimrod Santo is a digital marketing expert and serial entrepreneur. He is a frequent source for news and tips on various industries, and recently shared four traffic sources your business should be utilizing in 2020.