Best Practices for a Property Management Company

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( — November 3, 2020) — Real estate business is not an easy branch to get a name for yourself.It’s just as hard to create a recognizable, reliable service as a property management company like Here are the best practices that will help you create a successful property management company.

Put pressure on communication

Keep the level of communication high. You need to be efficient and regular when it comes to contacting your team, tenants, and suppliers. It would be best if you were ready to answer any questions that might arise from them. The questions will come; you can be sure of it, especially during the first month or two of the rent. Encourage both the tenants and the suppliers to ask and be friendly to them. Having a positive attitude towards people is immensely vital in property management. This attracts new tenants to you, and vendors are better off when working with you.

Hiring a person whose sole responsibility is customer support is a good solution, too, if you don’t have the time to answer all of the questions. People prefer to speak to real humans when looking to resolve their issues. Having a team member or two that can manage that is invaluable. Even though chatbots are on the rise because of the costs you can cut using them; nothing can replace a talk with a real human that can help you resolve your problems. Nowadays, websites such as can help you find a number to live support for the more unavailable websites.


To attract new clients, you will need to put a lot of your resources into marketing—especially internet marketing, as it has been on the rise for the past few years. 

Hiring a professional SEO specialist is one way to do it. Besides that, it’s good to have profiles on social media, as it’s one of the most prominent customers’ sources. Frequent entries that topically match the latest industry trends are the way to go. 

Another thing worth considering is PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing. It’s based upon the creation of Google Ads that convert the best, for which you need to pay when someone clicks on them.

Furthermore, it’s great to have a blog on your website with frequent entries, at least once a week. Blogs create an opportunity for you to gain more organic traffic. It’s also the best way to keep your customers/visitors informed as to what your business has in plans. Blogs create an opportunity to build a community, too, as they provide a way for your customers to comment on your blog posts, hence creating a conversation. Again, this applies to putting a lot of resources into communication.

Lastly, it’s hugely important to have a high-converting landing page for your property management business. Looking at your competition and drawing from them can help you achieve that. Creating one is relatively easy; you can use a landing page builder, which will guide you through all the steps of creating a great page.

Correct accounting

Having your accounting work done the right way is another crucial thing for you to consider. You need to know everything about your expenses and finances. To invest successfully, having someone handling your finances is essential. If you don’t know how much profit you’re making and how much money you can spend on investments and growth, you won’t get far with your business. When conducting a property management audit, don’t hesitate to ask your accountant to help you with the financial matters.

You need a thorough understanding of your financial situation not to lose any profits or lag behind your competition.

Acquisition of Proptech into your business

Adopting new technology into your housing is largely important too. Proptech is nothing else than the digital transformation of the real estate industry. Anything from facilitating buying, selling, and leasing a property to construction can be considered proptech. Simply put, anything that can improve any process that’s linked with real estate. Acquiring all this new technology will help your business grow and keep yourself afloat in the sea of competition. 

“If you’re not making a move to gain all the benefits of proptech, you should do it as quickly as possible. For this reason, companies that choose to operate in old ways tend to fall behind and become much less profitable than ever before.” says Johan Hajji, CEO, and Founder at Upperkey