Benefits of hiring a sex crime attorney

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( — June 25, 2021) —

The impact of sexual offense conviction can be long and damaging on your life. Therefore, if you are facing sex crimes, you should hire a lawyer immediately. You should not hire any attorney, but an experienced sex crime lawyer with a reputable track record of assisting people in similar situations. This criminal defense domain comes with many landmines; thus, you require an expert in your corner.

Below are reasons why you require an experienced sex crimes attorney if faced with this criminal charge.

Reputational damage 

An experienced sex crime lawyer may prevent the damage that may arise to a client accused of rape or a similar crime. Even someone who is found innocent may face an irreparable black mark on their reputation that can take years to clean, if ever. 

It would be best to discuss with your lawyer the legal implications of your case and possibly contain and manage the public relations fallout that may occur in the wake of these allegations.

Strict penalties

You face serious consequences if the court convicts you of a sex crime. Your lawyer will know how to mitigate these punishments. Your past may play an important role. If you made one youthful mistake, your lawyer might be able to negotiate a reduced sentence. 

Statutory crimes

Sex crimes definitions are hinged on the concept of consent: if both parties consent to sexual activity, there is no rape. Thus, cases often focus on whether the person claiming rape consented or not.

However, statutes define statutory rape; this means the circumstances of the situation and whether both parties consented are irrelevant. Therefore, there is no need to establish consent or use of force or violence. 

Incendiary trial

Because of the nature of sex crimes, their trials seem to get a lot of community and media attention. As a result, there is often sordid news coverage of salacious details. 

Anyone who participates in a sex crime trial should expect many uncomfortable questions. You may be requested to explain in detail the event in question. You may also have to answer questions about your past sexual history and other very personal topics.

When an attorney represents you, they will prepare you for any testimony you may need to give in either a deposition or court. They will let you know what to expect and how to answer these questions.

Possible civil liability

If you are accused of a sex crime, you will not only face criminal charges. You may also face a civil suit from the person who accused you. A criminal conviction can bolster a civil suit, but it is not necessary. That means, even if you are found not guilty in criminal court, your accuser may still come after you for financial compensation.

Sex crime registry 

Some crimes require registration for less than a lifetime; however, it can still be as long as ten years. This period begins after you serve any prison sentence. Being on the sex offender registry will affect your ability to get a job, buy or rent a home, and have access to your children. You need an excellent lawyer to help you negotiate with prosecutors to avoid the possibly life-long consequences of getting placed on this list. 

Academic and professional impact

If you are pursuing higher education, you may face expulsion or suspension if you are convicted of a sex crime. If you are looking for a job or seeking to pass a professional exam, a sex crime conviction on your record may prevent you from ever achieving your professional goals.

Your lawyer can advise on how to minimize the impact of sex crime accusations and convictions, so your entire future is not ruined. 

Getting charges dropped or reduced  

A skilled sex crime attorney can negotiate with the DA’s office and the court to drop or reduce charges. He or she may even negotiate a charge that removes the potential of the sex crimes registry, which would make a big difference in how you get through this crisis.

You need a lawyer to poke holes in the testimony of your accuser, challenge the facts presented by the state, and explain mitigating circumstances that may help you. 
