7 Health Benefits of Trampoline Jumping

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(Newswire.net — December 1, 2021) — Are you looking for new ways to get healthy? Many people turn to fitness classes, stay-at-home workout videos, or gyms. However, trampoline jumping provides excellent cardiovascular exercise and works out your legs, abs, and glutes.

Trampoline fitness is a low-impact but high-intensity workout that can be used with other forms of exercise or as a stand-alone workout.

How does jumping work?

Jumps on the trampoline or rebounding have unique benefits that are difficult to find in other forms of exercise. The high G-force created by these activities involves a lot more than just your feet hitting the ground; it also impacts what’s going up and coming back down as well. 

When you jump onto a rebounder, there is an acceleration followed immediately by deceleration which tones all 638 muscles in between flexing/relaxing them repeatedly while building endurance for hours at a time without getting bored from monotony – something not possible with jogging alone.

The trampoline is a great way to exercise all parts of your body and build strength. With simple bounces, you can get in shape for life! Jumps that bring the jumper back harder mean more excellent benefits. Because it works muscles more deeply than other activities do- there’s no need to leave this fun activity behind when we know how effective it is (and makes us feel like kids again).

Trampoline fitness is fun, helps you to lose weight, increases your metabolism, and is an easy way to get exercise in general. Read on for seven health benefits of trampoline jumping.

1)Trampoline Fitness is Fun

No matter how many weights you lift or miles you run if you’re not having fun when exercising, it’s time to reevaluate your workout plan. Exercise should be enjoyable to continue doing over the long term. Suppose the only reason you consistently exercise is to lose Weight or see physical results. In that case, you might find yourself unmotivated to keep up with a boring workout regimen after seeing that 6-pack abs or toned legs just isn’t happening quickly enough.

Trampoline fitness, however, is fun because each jump results in a boost of adrenaline that delivers the same excitement that children feel when they jump on their bed or bounce on a pogo stick. There is no pressure to lose weight quickly with trampolining, and you will have fun while doing it.

 2) Increases Bone Density

Research from Brigham Young University found that jumping at least 10-20 times at an interval of 30 seconds per day can increase bone density by developing stronger bones and helping prevent osteoporosis from occurring later in life.

Unlike running on a treadmill or doing bicep curls by yourself at the gym, each jump that you make on a trampoline is entirely dependent on your body weight. 

Each bounce on a mini-trampoline helps strengthen and rebuild bones faster than any other activity. The impact of jumping onto a solid surface repeatedly improves bone density and is also an excellent method of injury prevention.

3) Trampoline Fitness is a Full Body Workout

Taking part in trampoline fitness does not require you to use any equipment other than a firm and flat surface, such as the floor. Because you jump from your feet, it works out your lower body, including your calves and thighs; using your hands helps work out the upper body. 

You do not need to spend money on expensive workout machines or join a gym to see results. It’s also an option for people with joint or mobility issues who can’t run or jog because of their pain. 

4) Trampoline Fitness is an Easy Way to Lose Weight 

It might be challenging to lose that extra weight regardless of how much you exercise, but trampoline fitness can help. It’s easier than other activities like jogging because it keeps the body active and fit without experiencing as much stress on the joints or risk of injury.

If you fear jumping high, don’t worry because it’s easy to use a low setting on many models and bounce lightly. You can also jump with two people at the same time for extra weight loss benefits if you’re up to it.

5) Trampoline Fitness Increases Your Metabolism

Your body’s metabolism refers to how quickly it burns through calories when resting, including everything from digestion to breathing to brain functions. Every time you exercise, you boost your metabolism to burn more calories at rest.

According to fitness writer Marianne Kane, jumping on a trampoline can increase your resting metabolism by up to fifteen percent for up to 2 hours after you are done exercising. 

This means that your body will still be burning more calories than it would have if you had not exercised within this period. You can also find more benefits of this workout in the selection here.

6) Trampoline Fitness is an Exercise in Agility and Balance

Trampolining helps maintain agility and balance because you constantly move your body around to make the trampoline “bounce” correctly. Maintaining a good balance is especially important as people age to prevent falls. 

Keeping your balance also makes you more aware of your surroundings, improving your tactical awareness in sports like boxing or wrestling. A bonus is that it’s an excellent workout for your core muscles since you must stabilize your body during the jump.

7) Trampoline Fitness is Low-Impact for People with Joint Issues

Some people are hesitant to become involved in any form of exercise because they are afraid of the damage that it may do to their joints. However, jumping on a trampoline at least 20 times per day, every day can help reduce your risk of injury and alleviate joint pain if you have osteoarthritis. 

The National Center for Biotechnology Information reported that using an indoor trampoline is safe, effective, and low-impact for people who have arthritis. 

More studies are being done to determine precisely how much aerobic activity has on reducing chronic pain, but doctors agree that any increase is better than none.

Furthermore, adults who took part in 8 weeks of trampoline training saw improvements in their quality of life, including mood and self-esteem.

Jumping on a trampoline is one of the most fun and healthy exercises you can do. You’ll get exercise, relieve stress, be more creative, reduce your risk for heart disease or stroke, improve bone density in older people and the list goes on. If you’re looking to make some changes this year to live healthier and happier–try jumping on a trampoline.