Safe Driving Tips: Preventing Car Accidents in Frisco, TX

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( — November 8, 2023) — Driving safely should always be your top concern. You can’t make sure everyone else in Frisco is a safe driver, but you can certainly make sure that you are. It is not even that hard. Follow these tips and you will be taking the most important steps to ensure you avoid a car accident.

#1 Focus on driving

We’re more distracted than ever before, which isn’t a good thing for road safety. Ignoring distractions while driving and maintaining focus on the road is key to driving safely. Be sure to keep all of your attention on driving at all times. No multitasking is ever safe. In order to keep focused while driving, don’t use your phone or any other electronic device while driving.

In fact, this is one of the worst habits anyone can get into. We know you will have a phone, and it’s okay to keep it in the car for emergencies only. If you have to use your phone for any reason, pull safely over to a parking lot or the side of the road to do so.

#2 Be defensive

You may think of being defensive as a bad thing, but it isn’t when you’re driving. “Defensive driving” is a term to describe when drivers use accident-preventing techniques and a focus on driving safely. To practice defensive driving:

  • Be aware of what other drivers around you are doing.
  • Expect the unexpected.
  • Assume other drivers will make the wrong decision, and then be prepared to avoid them running a red light, swerving, or acting aggressively.
  • Keep a cushion of several seconds in between you and the car in front of you.

#3 Always wear your safety belt 

No matter where you’re going, even down the block, always wear your seat belt. Get into the habit and make no exceptions!

#4 Limit your night driving

Data tells us that the risk of a fatal crash is three times higher at night than in the day for every mile driven. If you’re able to, it’s better to avoid nighttime driving altogether.

#5 Adjust your driving for poor weather conditions

Driving on dry pavement is nothing like driving in the rain or snow. It’s best to avoid driving in bad weather conditions if you can avoid it. If you do have to drive in poor weather, go slower than the posted speed limit. Speeding gives you less time to react and when coupled with rain, increases the severity of a car accident.

#6 Don’t drive too many people

The risk of a fatal crash increases with every additional passenger. The more people in the car, the louder it is and the more there is to distract you. When you’re able to do so, it is best to limit your number of passengers.

#7 Don’t drink and drive

Even if you’ve consumed only one drink, there is a chemical effect on your brain that can impair judgment and reaction time. Driving under the influence of alcohol can have devastating effects on you and someone else on the road. Don’t risk it! 

If you feel you followed all of these tips and still got into a car accident, you may want to have a Frisco car accident lawyer take a look at your case. You may have a claim against the other driver.