EXT The Next Generation of Social Networking, Allows Multiple Profiles

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The Houston, TX based innovator Extensions, Inc., has just released its EXT social network. EXT has many features that set it apart from other online social networks already in existence, such as Facebook or MySpace. One of these key features of EXT is a member’s ability to create more than one online profile, with each profile having its own unique look, properties, and most importantly who can access it. On other networking sites members have to choose whether their profile will be public, limited to friends of friends, or almost entirely private. On EXT.com, members can have a private profile for family and close friends, a profile promoting their business, and another for a private hobby, volunteer activities or special causes. Not only are there no limits to the number of profile pages, but there’s also no limit to the number of groups, pages and pods (EXT’s term for information cells set us by members) that a user can set up for each.

Setting up and personalizing several profiles is easy. EXT has even provided a video describing the process at takeatour.ext.com. Here are just some examples of how profiles can be controlled by the user. First, a member can display the same, or a different profile picture for each of their profiles: a serious profile picture for a business page, or a fun one for a personal page, for example. The same goes for picture galleries. The same set of pictures can be shown on all your profiles, or only on one: the member decides who gets to see which pictures. As on other networks, members decide who can and cannot view the information on their profile page. The difference with EXT is that each profile page and any information included on it can be set to be viewed by different groups of people. One set of friends may access to your volunteer work page; only family may have access to your personal profile page, and your business interest page may be public and open to everyone on the network.

An EXT profile page contains a number of sections, or “pods.” Each pod can be moved around, added or removed independently on every profile page. Because EXT pages permit members to embed their own HTML code, they can add their own proprietary applications, off-the-shelf apps and even content from other sites to their profiles. The look of each pod can be customized by the user as well. No longer does one member’s profile page need to look like everyone else’s. Now the look of a profile page itself, and not just the content, becomes an expression of the member.

Visit www.EXT.com today to see just how powerful this new online social network’s approach to profile pages really is

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