Newswire Uniting Independent Journalist by Leveraging SEO

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By Marco Enrico

Newswire is the social network for independent journalists, with more than 13 million independent journalists working online currently the power of this fragmented media has never been stronger.  The power of the media to help you grow your businesses is obvious but many people don’t realize the power of the news media to increase the exposure of your business.


The news media can be one of the most powerful tools that you can use to get your message out to the public.  The news media is the only form of communication that is universal to every culture, race, gender and religion on this planet it crosses all borders and boundaries.  Businesses have long known the power of the news media and the advantages that having good news media connection can have.  The trouble is that for some businesses starting, building and maintaining those connections and relationships can be almost impossible.  Another key aspect of interacting with the media is you may have a difficult time getting them to cover you and your organization in an unbiased way. Today’s mainstream news media organizations are governed by the attitudes, politics and corporate mandates of their parent companies, gone are the days of the truly ethical journalist who only seeks and reports the truth for truths sake. That is until now, now there is Newswire.


Newswire gives the over 13 million independent journalist of the world a unifying voice.  These professionals have traditionally been ignored and overlooked by the mainstream news media until the advent of Newswire.  Newswire provides independent journalists with a set of comprehensive tools and resources that let them do the job they love without sacrificing the values and principles that they hold dear. 


Newswire also allows businesses to take advantage of the power or the news media easily by giving them access point to over 50,000 websites and an extremely high quality creative pool to generate top quality material that puts their organizations in the best light.  When you use Newswire as your exclusive wire service you not only get great savings and wonderful exposure but you know that your message will be seen by the people in the news media that matter, the people that decide what makes it to the public and what doesn’t.  You also know that when those people see your message that it will be the best presentation of what you have to say that you could possibly have.


With multiple package options available from Newswire there is most definitely a way for you to implement the power of news media marketing for your business.  You can take advantage of press releases, news articles or even live coverage of journalists local to your area.  Newswire is the best way to get the exposure your business needs with the quality that your business deserves. 


An investment in an exclusive wire service contract with Newswire is an investment in the future of your business.  The exposure you can experience by harnessing the power of news media marketing can be the difference between being an industry leader or follower. a subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. (Symbol:EXTI) makes use of a patent-pending technology to harness the power of independent bloggers, writers and journalists and the extent of the internet to create a forum for all news stories, not simply the few that interest the main media outlets. Newswire seeks to be for the news world and for independent journalists what the Sundance film festival has become for cinematography and independent filmmakers. The technology used by Newswire will allow news stories with even the smallest niche audiences to find those readers, and give truly talented but underappreciated independent writers, bloggers and journalists an opportunity to make a real impact, money and to be part of a credible news organization.


To learn more about Newswire please visit