Newswire The Future of Public Relations in an SEO Internet World

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Adapting public relations to the demands of internet marketing requires revising traditional media packaging and employing new strategies and innovative distribution via the world wide web, which is our specialty at Newswire (, the new owners of the Idea Network ( Along with traditional television, radio, and print distribution, Newswire offers services that effectively use internet search engines, article placement and social bookmarking to get you to the top of the search engine pages, where 85% of website commerce is generated. We get your content noticed by the right people for the right reasons.

There is no doubt that the growing trend to research and purchase products online directly should directly affect your marketing strategy. The experts at Newswire help you achieve optimum press release performance by linking you with submission services selected to maximize your visibility coupled with network enhancements to assure high profile distribution of your company’s message.

In fact, the studies conducted by Interactive Media Strategies found that by 2012, business content online will exceed $1.14 billion, and facing that kind of increase, the need for pertinent internet content becomes obvious. And this fact is not being overlooked by your competitors, because over the past two years, businesses have spent up to $358 million acquiring internet tools which make public relation strategies more complex by the day. 

The Newswire team consists of professionals who can help you through every step of your marketing release — from layout design to copy writing to distribution, we make sure your articles and press releases are professional quality and come up at the top of search engine pages. We can typically have your message on the web within ten days of your original request.

At Newswire, we understand that 21st century public relations is being shaped by search engines like Google that scan web pages for content related to the query. Applying Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial in designing modern press releases. Newswire can help you create top quality SEOs and find you distribution outlets that will seamlessly merge your online and offline resources to attract new clients while retaining baseline customers. We can increase product exposure by blending all of your newspaper, television and trade magazine advertisements with related ezine articles and internet publications to give you cross-media saturation that drives customers to your website and/or location ready to buy.

To further insure a successful public relatons campaign,  press releases, it’s important to produce internet articles that engage the reader with interesting copy while incorporating key words that assure search engines find your page and give it high ranking. Properly placed links with pictures and hot links drives the traffic you want straight to your virtual door. Well written articles that are relevant and useful to your consumers are invaluable. Producing articles with the correct tone, style and voice to attract potential customers is an essential element of marketing in a world increasing influenced by easy access to the internet.

Submitting articles via social networks is another powerful public relations tool for SEO technicians and a must for developing added interest to your content by search engines. It allows you to link your articles and press releases within various forums, blogs and message boards on social networking websites like Digg, My Space and Face Book. This creates a chain of ‘bookmarks’ that are simple yet effective tools to bring your web site to the attention of the people you want to reach. 

Now that Google and other major search engines have developed content-centric searches, the more sites that carry your content, the more traffic you generate to your website. Understanding how to optimize this feature requires content-sensitive search algorithms, because social bookmarking is no longer a matter of trial and error, it is a skill that requires meticulous planning and research. Matching your content to the appropriate site is fundamental to building serious links that drive your content to the top of the search engine page.

Newswire creates Media Files of articles and reports showing where your articles were picked up (called a Clipping Report) and tracking the performance of your outreach strategies. You can use the information in your Media File in-house or to generate outside interest since you can prove to other promotional opportunities (like talk shows) that you have a track record for ‘buzz.’ Newswire provides the resources to make your public relations programs competitive in the ever changing 21st century media environment.