CEOSpace Instructor Ed Bogle a Merger and Acquisition Expert

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CEOSpace Instructor, Ed Bogle will be at the five star Loews Lake Las Vegas (NYSE: L) resort through March 28th. Arriving to teach over 1,000 business owners from 15 countries and more than 200 cities in North America.CEOspace Instrutor and Mentor, Ed Bogle successfully directed the merger of nine companies leading to a profitable IPO, increasing growth 800%. His plan reduced time necessary for company integration and yielded 400% revenue increase ($50 million to $200 million). Ed Boglel also introduced new product and market targets to the insurance industry. His implementations yielded new major clients and $15 million in premiums.

Ed Bogle can do for your company what he did for the companies above because of extensive experience, education, and qualification. Holding a B.S. in Business Administration-Marketing from Oklahoma State University, continuing on for three years of grad school University of Colorado (maintained Top 10 status), and holding advanced certification and Principal from Earnst & Young’s strategic planning consulting practice and methodologies, Ed Bogle is well educated in his field. He also holds Multiple Venture Technology Accreditation (MVTA) from IBI Global and has experienced instructing, coaching, and professing at the collegiate level. Ed Boggel is a published author in strategic planning and management. Ed Bogle’s credentials allow him to do for your company what he has successfully done for many others.

Ed Boglel possesses all the tools necessary to advance your company in efficiency, contacts, sales, and profit. Mr. Bogle’s experience gives him the necessary assets to accurately assess your company, the current market, and how your company can maximize impact within the market. Ed Bogle’s track record boasts of impressive accomplishments in various market situations. Ed Bogle brings to your company a vast array of skills in personnel management, marketing savvy, and critical strategic planning skills. These skills proved Ed Bogle capable of successful marketing, company realignment, corporate consolidation, and new product introduction and promotion. In each case, Ed Bogle produced increase revenue and efficient business practices in each company.

Ed Bogle’s corporate experience extends to a variety of sectors. In corporate consolidation, Ed Bogle worked with a $150 million private equity company to consolidate a number of construction firms. Employing his ability to correctly analyze markets, personnel management skills, strategic planning, and negotiation finesse, Ed Boggel saw the company experience a 22% compounded growth with a 24% growth in bottom line over two years. If your company is looking for guidance in a consolidation venture, Ed Bogle can do for your company what he did in this consolidation effort.

If your company is looking to realign product production, Ed Bogle can direct your company successfully. Ed Bogle developed strategic plans to integrate new product production into a company in the automotive sector. The correct assessment of the markets shift and resulting opportunities combined with sales strategies and plant development advice drove the company to lead in the new market. Annual revenues increased over 200% in five years. Ed Bogle can produce results for your company.

Ed Bogle can do for your company what he did for a software consulting firm in the health care sector. Following careful analysis, Ed Bogle successfully determined appropriate markets and niches that would provide a high success rate for the firm. Following the identification process, he advised an effective realignment plan to capitalize on market and industry drivers. The realignment process and marketing strategic successfully generated $14 million of capital investment leading to a 20% market share, over $100 million in base revenue. If you are looking for successful realignment and IPO options, Ed Bogle can do for your company what he did for this software consulting firm.

Corporate recovery can save you millions and Ed Boggel has demonstrated the ability to provide necessary advice and plans for recovering corporations. In a repositioning initiative, Ed Bogle took a health care provider suffering $5 million in annual loss to a profit-generating enterprise and market share growth in one year. Ed Bogle spearheaded the development and implementation of new processes and market targets in 120 days, saving the health care provider millions. Ed Bogle can turn your company around.

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