Newswire SEO Engine vs The Pay Per Click Model

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In the world of search engine traffic, Search Engine Optimitization (SEO) is the best value on the internet.  Unfortunately for most SEO is confusing and hard to keep track of.  Companies seeking such yields but with out the knowledge to execute are forced to particiapte in the Pay Per Click model.

Newswire understands how to help your business get the crucial Search Engine Optimized (SEO) ranking necessary to place your website on the first page of search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Since 85% of all internet commerce originates from the top listings that appear on the first page of search engines, proper ranking has become the new key value driver in the world wide web marketplace. Investing in advanced SEO tactics can literally make the difference in whether your internet marketing campaigns result in increased business or fail to produce the desired results. Understanding the fine points of proper SEO generation is our speciality at Newswire and we can design press releases and internet marketing campaigns to make the most of your online promotional budget.

Basically, there are only two methods to achieve a high ranking page on search engines like Google — hire a professional team to write well crafted SEO documents or invest in advertising promotions like Google Adsense. The main difference between the two approaches is that SEO generation is skill that takes time to develop and implement, but it offers a great return on investment. On the other hand, Google Adsense is quick and easy but has a lot of drawbacks for even the most experienced web designers. It is expensive to generate and maintain a high ranking, and considering how often their data collection methods change, participating in the Google Adsense program requires a high learning curve for the end user. At Newswire, we specialize in designing the right SEO format to help you get maximum internet exposure for a minimum investment.

Google Adsense has drawn criticism from users over their nebulous terms and conditions, the complexity involved in generating customer reports and compatibility problems with programs like Officelive or specific internet browsers. Many Google Adsense customers also complain about the automated customer support system which leaves many of their specific questions unanswered. Now Google is facing legal actions from the European Union (EU) for violating antitrust laws, which could quickly change the playing field for those relying soley on Google Adsense to promote their business.

Newswire uses their knowledge of SEO content-centric search methods and advanced algorithms to craft your website copy to assure your site appeals to your target audience. We have the skill to develop the proper chain of ‘bookmarks’ to link your web content to appropriate customers on social networks like Face Book, My Space and Twitter. Creating this kind of internet networking interface requires expert SEO configuration if you want to see a positive return on investment. Newswire has the tools and insider knowledge to drive your message directly to the people and businesses that are most interested in what your company has to offer.

Newswire also arranges distribution of your press release through agencies that have a proven track record for wide-spread market saturation to enhance your SEO’s success in the competitive world of internet marketing. As a Newswire customer, you also receive ‘Clipping Reports’ to graph your internet performance so you can follow the results of your web-based media campaigns. The professionals at Newswire offer businesses a low cost, effective solution to optimize their web presence using the power of proper SEO placement to unleash the incredible potential of the world wide web so your company can bring customers from all over the world right to your virtual door.

Contact the professionals as Newswire at to find out more about how our professionals can optimize your web presence with proper SEO composition and web distirbution.