BioTrust IC-5 Review: The Supplement and What It Can Offer

Photo of author – December 9, 2012 – “BioTrust IC-5 Review Supplement and What it Can Offer,” is the latest product review  published by, one of the web’s leading sites dedicated to providing information about health-related products like nutritional supplements, as well as offering the highest quality, professional reviews of consumer products.

According the ExtremeHealthZone, the BioTrust IC-5 supplement is a product that promises to help the body increase insulin sensitivity and balance the amount of sugar found in the bloodstream, and also help prevent carbohydrates from being stored as fat by decreasing insulin resistance.

There are three main benefits that BioTrust IC-5 claims to provide to users, including:

Increased insulin sensitivity
Healthy blood sugar levels
Partitioning of carbohydrates to muscle instead of fat

“With IC-5, users take two capsules of the supplement before a carbohydrate-packed meal,” ExtremeHealthZone reported. “The ingredients contained in the capsules then work to increase the sensitivity of insulin and glycogen receptors in the body to “direct” carbohydrates into the muscles to be used as energy.”

Any high saturation of carbs in the blood then increases the amount of glucose in the bloodstream, and with nowhere else to go, they are stored as fat. This chain of events results in weight gain, a decreased level of insulin receptor sensitivity, and a myriad of other health complications, which BioTrust IC-5 helps to prevent.

IC-5 aims to help the body direct the flow of carbs from the bloodstream to the muscles with five ingredients: cinnamon bark, Berberine root bark extract, Pterocarpus marsupium extract, Fenugreek extract and R-alpha-lipoic-acid.

The supplement is produced by a team of professional nurses, nutritionists, doctors and scientists committed to producing high-quality natural-ingredient-based supplements that generate the best results of any product on the market. As such, a great deal of effort, research and testing is placed into identifying all the ingredients in the product to ensure they deliver the promised results.

Using the product is simple. Simply take two capsules about 15 minutes before eating a meal with carbs in it. For those on a low-carb diet, the recommended dosage is two capsules twice daily before a meal. One bottle of IC-5 is good for one month.

Overall, the results of BioTrust IC-5 are quite encouraging. According to Keith Baxter, moderator and curator of ExtremeHealthZone, “I’m quite satisfied with IC-5 and the results it has delivered so far. I also appreciate the fact that my experience with the product has helped me switch to a healthier lifestyle without ever depriving myself of carbohydrates.

“That is not to say you can eat as much carbs as you like, though, and I must warn you that using IC-5 does not give you the license to fill your body with carbs. Moderation is the word, and if you are able to control and eat just the right amounts, you will surely be on your way to better health;” Baxter said.

The one downfall, according to ExtremeHealthZone, is that the product is not widely available in commercial locations, such as health stores. Right now, it is only available on the BioTrust website.

A bottle of the IC-5 supplement costs $67 plus shipping; two bottles at $64.95 each; or four bottles for $49.95 each.

“Once you’ve tried IC-5 and have proven that it’s what you need, I suggest you take advantage of the four-bottle offer to save money,” Baxter said.

BioTrust IC-5 also comes with a one-year money back guarantee with a no-questions asked policy for returns.

To learn more about BioTrust IC-5 or ExtremeHealthZone, visit

About Extreme Health Zone
Extreme Health Zone, moderated and curated by Keith Baxter, provides information and reviews about health-related products like nutritional supplements, as well as providing the highest quality, professional reviews of consumer products.