FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (NEWSWIRE) January 8, 2013 – Providence, RI
Pinterest has become a widely used social networking sharing website, nonetheless, participating in Pinterest is not necessarily helpful to having a productive day. Consider for instance Frank Kern. Frank doesn’t have time to engage socially in Pinterest exchanging lasagna recipes with housewives, however Frank understands the importantance of having a solid social networking profile. Recently Frank Kern had a Pinterest profile built for him that could at first be used to share Frank Kern videos and blog posts. Aside from that Frank Kern doesn’t have any immediate plans to begin “Pinteresting” his daily life all over a social media board but he may look at putting up his preferred surfing locations.
Many celebrities and businesses are turning to social media and online reputation management consultants to help them develop and manage their social profiles.
Rick Porter, an online reputatation management consultant stated, “Today it is important for celebrities and entrepreneurs to make sure they are reserving their name and or their brand name on popular social networking sites such as Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook because those sites are favored by Google in the search engines”. He went on to say, “A strong social media profile is a good first step into managing what people see and read about you or your busniess online. Keeping social profiles active with mentions and quality content is a good way to keep your brands website and your brands social media profiles on the top of page 1 in Google.”
About Frank Kern: Frank Kern is one of the most well known internet marketing entrepreneurs and consultants in the entire world. Frank has worked with countless marketers as well as celebrities such as Tony Robbins. Follow Frank Kern on Pinterest and Twitter.