Cute Dog Pictures – 9 Year-Old Author Rocks Amazon With Cute Dogs Picture Book

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( via – January 25, 2013) Neptune, NJ

Cassandra Ferguson is a published author on Kindle.  What makes her so unusual?  She’s a nine year old fourth grader from Green Grove Elementary School in Neptune, New Jersey who has just published her first two books entitled, “Cute Dogs Picture Book – My Favorite Pictures Of Cute Dogs” and “Another Cute Dogs Picture Book – More Of Our Favorite Pictures Of Cute Dogs.”

When asked why she has started writing at such an early age, she replied “I love to write and since my dad has written a lot of books I thought it would be fun to write one together.”

They stated collaborating on the books only a few short weeks ago and worked on them every night after dinner when Cassandra had finished her homework, dance classes and soccer practice until they were done.  

Cassandra’s dad, author Barry Ferguson, taught her the inns and outs of publishing her first book by first helping her come up with the concept and then following through until the book was finished.  He showed her how to keep focused on what she wanted to write about and how to put together a storyboard that would tell her story.

Her father is very proud of her and said “She’s a very creative and energetic young lady and at times she was frustrated by the whole process because she didn’t know what she was doing at first but we’re all very happy with the final result.”

What made her decide to write about cute dogs?  I just love cute dogs, especially puppies!  I have this adorable poster of Labrador puppies on my bedroom wall so that was what I wanted to write about.”

Being nine years old has its advantages and it has helped her become one of the youngest published authors on Amazon.  She loves to write children’s stories and is looking forward to writing more books in the “Cute Dogs Picture Book” series.  The second book in the series, “Another Cute Dogs Picture Book was released the same day to capitalize on its popularity.

So how is she handling the notoriety?  She’s always been the center of attention and everyone loves her so they’re all very happy for her” said her father.  “She’s a very happy-go-lucky kid who loves to experience life.”

Will she become the next Amanda Hocking, the best-selling millionaire self publisher?  Who knows!  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

For more information please visit

Barry Ferguson

8 Colleen Way

Neptune, NJ  07753
