(Newswire.net — 25, January, 2013) Atlanta, GA — There are many different variations of the pushup available. Because of that, Bodyweight Torch creator, Mike Whitfield, added the Stability Ball Pushup to his program and created a video that showed his loyal readers the way to perform it correctly.
Pushups are considered to be an easy exercise, which leads to many people missing them out in favor of more difficult ones. It is possible to make pushups harder by simply elevating the feet. This adds a challenge to the muscles and is the reason for the introduction of the stability ball pushup. This also helps to strength the core stability too and is an excellent exercise to add into the bodyweight core routine. For those without a stability ball, just elevating the feet will give the same benefit, whether you use chairs, stairs or even a bed.
“The stability ball pushup is a great upper body bodyweight exercise, but it also challenges anyone’s balance and coordination, as well as improves core performance.” Mike explained when releasing the video. By improving the core performance, overall body workouts become better and easier to do.
“I enjoy making these how-to bodyweight exercise videos explaining different and unique bodyweight exercises so that people can use them in their workouts.” Whitfield continued and went on to explain how the program can be followed at home or when there is a short space of time for exercising. The stability ball pushup will improve fitness as well as conditioning and it can be made more challenging simply by doing the pushups slower or make the heart rate faster by doing quicker ones.
“The tempo shown in the stability ball pushup video is a moderate pace that is ideal.” Whitfield finished.
Bodyweight Torch is a free 4-week exercise program and includes many different types of pushups. To follow, simply download the free bodyweight routine from http://www.bodyweighttorch.com.
About: Mike Whitfield is a boot camp workouts and bodyweight exercises expert. He recently released the free workout program BodyweightTorch to celebrate his 3 year anniversary of losing 105 pounds. Recently he also released a bodyweight exercise video on the lunge jump.